我正在尝试使用我的firebase实时数据库中的数据创建一个file.txt,但首先我需要将我的数据推送到我的方法 downloadfile()并循环抛出。但我无法找到解决方案!有人可以帮助我吗?
let app = Firebase.initializeApp(config);
let db = app.database();
let booksRef = db.ref('books');
export default {
name: 'App',
firebase: {
books: booksRef
data () {
return {
newBook: {
author: '',
title: '',
genre: ''
methods: {
downloadFile: function() {
// Need all my data from firebase
// and loop throw my data
//btw: i am using npm save-as to make my file.txt and this works.
let blob = new Blob([data], { type: 'text/plain;charset=utf-8' })
saveAs(blob, 'file.txt')