
时间:2018-01-23 08:37:51

标签: c++ multithreading mpi montecarlo




#include "common/common.hpp"

// Integral to evaluate
#define v(x)    exp(x)

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    // Limits of integration
    const double a = 0.0, b = 1.0;

    // Read number of samples strata from command-line input
    uint nSamples = atoi(argv[1]);
    uint nStrata = atoi(argv[2]);


    // Sums in each stratum
    vector<uint> nSamples_s(nStrata, 0);
    vector<double> sumX_s(nStrata, 0.0), sumX2_s(nStrata, 0.0);

    double x, delta = (b-a)/nStrata;
    uint s;

    double mean, var;

    for (uint i = 1; i <= nSamples; i++) {
        // Sample random variable
        x = a + (b-a)*((double)rand() / RAND_MAX);

        // Select the matching stratum
        s = nStrata*(x-a)/(b-a);
        s = (s == nStrata) ? nStrata - 1 : s;

        // Store sums
        sumX_s[s] += delta*v(x);
        sumX2_s[s] += pow(delta*v(x), 2.0);

    // Calculate summary statistics
    mean = 0.0;
    var = 0.0;
    for (uint j = 0; j < nStrata; j++) {
        mean += sumX_s[j]/nSamples_s[j];
        var += sumX2_s[j]/nSamples_s[j] - pow(sumX_s[j]/nSamples_s[j], 2.0);

    // Output summary statistics
    cout << "\nIntegral estimate: " << mean
         << "\n\tstddev = " << sqrt(var)
         << "\n\tstderr = " << sqrt(var/nSamples) << endl;

    return 0;


#include "common/common.hpp"
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>

using namespace std;

// Mutex for modifying summary statistics
mutex mtx;

// Integral to evaluate
#define v(x)    exp(x)

double mean = 0.0, var = 0.0;

void partialSum(uint rank, uint numWorkers, double a, double b, uint nStrata, uint nSamples);

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    // Limits of integration
    const double a = 0.0, b = 1.0;

    // Read number of samples and strata from command-line input
    uint nSamples = atoi(argv[1]);
    uint nStrata = atoi(argv[2]);


    // Worker threads
    const uint numWorkers = 5;
    vector<thread> workers;

    // Start threads
    for (uint t = 0; t < numWorkers; t++)
        workers.push_back(thread(partialSum, t, numWorkers, a, b, nStrata, nSamples));

    // Wait for thread execution
    for (uint t = 0; t < numWorkers; t++)

    // Output summary statistics
    cout << "\nIntegral estimate: " << mean
         << "\n\tstddev = " << sqrt(var)
         << "\n\tstderr = " << sqrt(var/nSamples) << endl;

    return 0;

void partialSum(uint rank, uint numWorkers, double a, double b, uint nStrata, uint nSamples)
    uint nStrata_t, nSamples_t;     // Actual number of strata and samples handled by this thread
    uint stdStrata_t;               // Nominal number of strata per thread

    nStrata_t = stdStrata_t = nStrata / numWorkers;
    if (rank == numWorkers - 1)
        nStrata_t += nStrata % numWorkers;

    uint strataOffset = rank * stdStrata_t;

    nSamples_t = stdStrata_t * (nSamples / nStrata);
    if (rank == numWorkers - 1)
        nSamples_t += nSamples % nStrata;

    // Summed statistics for each stratum in this thread
    vector<uint> nSamples_st(nStrata_t, 0);
    vector<double> sumX_st(nStrata_t, 0.0), sumX2_st(nStrata_t, 0.0);

    // Width of integration region for each stratum and for this thread
    double delta_s = (b-a)/nStrata;
    double delta_t = delta_s * nStrata_t;

    double x;   // Sampling variable
    uint s;     // Corresponding stratum

    // Sum statistics
    for (uint i = 0; i < nSamples_t; i++) {
        // Sample random variable
        x = delta_t*((double)rand() / RAND_MAX);

        // Select the matching stratum
        s = nStrata_t*x/delta_t;
        s = (s == nStrata_t) ? nStrata_t - 1 : s;

        // Store sums
        sumX_st[s] += delta_s*v(x + a + strataOffset*delta_s);
        sumX2_st[s] += pow(delta_s*v(x + a + strataOffset*delta_s), 2.0);

    // Calculate summary statistics
    double partialMean = 0.0, partialVar = 0.0;
    for (uint j = 0; j < nStrata_t; j++) {
        partialMean += sumX_st[j]/nSamples_st[j];
        partialVar += sumX2_st[j]/nSamples_st[j] - pow(sumX_st[j]/nSamples_st[j], 2.0);

    // Lock mutex until thread exit
    lock_guard<mutex> lockStats(mtx);

    // Add contributions from this thread to summary statistics
    mean += partialMean;
    var += partialVar;


#include "common/common.hpp"
#include <mpi.h>

// Limits of integration
const double a = 0.0, b = 1.0;

// Number of samples and strata
uint nSamples, nStrata;

// MPI process data
int numProcs, numWorkers, procRank;

// Integral to evaluate
#define v(x)    exp(x)

#define MPI_TAG_MEAN    0
#define MPI_TAG_VAR     1

void partialSum();
void collectSums();

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    // MPI setup
    MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
    MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numProcs);
    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &procRank);

    // Number of slave processes
    numWorkers = numProcs - 1;
    assert(numWorkers > 0);

    // Read number of samples and strata from command-line input
    nSamples = atoi(argv[1]);
    nStrata = atoi(argv[2]);


    if (!procRank) {    // Process 0
    } else {            // Worker processes

    return 0;

void partialSum()
    int stdStrata_p, stdSamples_p;  // Nominal number of strata and samples per process
    int nStrata_p, nSamples_p;      // Actual number of strata and samples handled by this process

    nStrata_p = stdStrata_p = nStrata / numWorkers;
    if (procRank == numWorkers)
        nStrata_p += nStrata % numWorkers;

    int strataOffset = (procRank - 1) * stdStrata_p;

    nSamples_p = stdSamples_p = nStrata_p * (nSamples / nStrata);
    if (procRank == numWorkers)
        nSamples_p += nSamples % nStrata;

    // Sums in each stratum handled by this process
    vector<uint> nSamples_sp(nStrata_p, 0);
    vector<double> sumX_sp(nStrata_p, 0.0), sumX2_sp(nStrata_p, 0.0);

    // Width of integration region for each stratum and this process
    double delta_s = (b-a)/nStrata;
    double delta_p = delta_s*nStrata_p;

    double x;   // Sampling variable
    uint s;     // Corresponding stratum

    // Summed statistics
    double mean, var;

    for (int i = 0; i < nSamples_p; i++) {
        // Sample random variable
        x = delta_p*((double)rand() / RAND_MAX);

        // Select the matching stratum
        s = nStrata_p*x/delta_p;
        s = (s == nStrata_p) ? nStrata_p - 1 : s;

        // Store sums
        sumX_sp[s] += delta_s*v(x + a + strataOffset*delta_s);
        sumX2_sp[s] += pow(delta_s*v(x + a + strataOffset*delta_s), 2.0);

    mean = 0.0;
    var = 0.0;
    for (int j = 0; j < nStrata_p; j++) {
        mean += sumX_sp[j]/nSamples_sp[j];
        var += sumX2_sp[j]/nSamples_sp[j] - pow(sumX_sp[j]/nSamples_sp[j], 2.0);


void collectSums()
    double mean = 0.0, var = 0.0;

    for (int i = 0; i < 2*numWorkers; i++) {
        double readBuf;
        MPI_Status readStatus;

        MPI_Recv(&readBuf, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, MPI_ANY_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &readStatus);

        if (readStatus.MPI_TAG == MPI_TAG_MEAN)
            mean += readBuf;
        else if (readStatus.MPI_TAG == MPI_TAG_VAR)
            var += readBuf;

    // Output summary statistics
    cout << "\nIntegral estimate: " << mean
         << "\n\tstddev = " << sqrt(var)
         << "\n\tstderr = " << sqrt(var/nSamples) << endl;


$ g++ strat_samples.cpp -o strat_samples -std=gnu++11 -O2 -Wall
$ time ./strat_samples 100000000 100

Integral estimate: 1.71828
    stddev = 0.000515958
    stderr = 5.15958e-08

real    0m18.709s
user    0m18.704s
sys     0m0.000s

$ g++ strat_samples_thd.cpp -o strat_samples_thd -std=gnu++11 -lpthread -O2 -Wall
$ time ./strat_samples_thd 100000000 100
Integral estimate: 1.71828
    stddev = 0.000515951
    stderr = 5.15951e-08

real    0m18.981s
user    0m39.608s
sys     0m44.588s

$ mpic++ strat_samples_mpi.cpp -o strat_samples_mpi -std=gnu++11 -O2 -Wall
$ time mpirun -n 6 ./strat_samples_mpi 100000000 100

Integral estimate: 1.71828
    stddev = 0.000515943
    stderr = 5.15943e-08

real    0m7.601s
user    0m32.912s
sys     0m5.696s


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


如果您可以使用C ++ 11,请使用其random库部件,每个线程使用一个PRNG,使用正确的分发,并注意不要为具有相同值的PRNG播种。