
时间:2018-01-23 03:39:40

标签: python performance numpy euclidean-distance



def calculateDistances_numba(currentLocation, traces)

    deltaX = traces[:, 0, :] - currentLocation[0]
    deltaY = traces[:, 1, :] - currentLocation[1]
    deltaZ = traces[:, 2, :] - currentLocation[2]

    distances = (deltaX**2 + deltaY**2 + deltaZ**2)*0.5

    return distances



我有一个大数组vertices.shape = (N, 3); N ~ 5e6,用于描述非结构化网格的3D顶点。我有n个较小的坐标和数据数组,我想在vertices上线性插值。它们沿另一个数组traces.shape = (L, 3, n); L ~ 2e4; n ~ 2e3的第3轴存储。对于每个顶点(vertices中的行),我希望快速找到来自不同小数组的两个最接近的点(traces中的页面,即它们沿{{的索引) 1}}是不同的)。最接近,我的意思是欧几里德距离axis=2。此函数的目的是在两个已知值之间线性插值到顶点中的点。



d = (deltaX**2 + deltaY**2 + deltaZ**2)


import numpy as np

def interpolate(currentLocation, traces, nTraces):
    # Calculate the Euclidean distance between currentLocation and all points
    # in the search bracket. Einsum was found to be faster than np.linalg.norm as well as 
    # standard numpy operations.
    # Distances is a 2D array of shape (L, n) and corresponds to the Euclidean distance
    # between currentLocation and every point in traces.
    deltas = traces - currentLocation[None, :, None]
    distances = np.einsum('ijk,ijk->ik', deltas, deltas)**0.5

    # Along axis = 1 is definitely a little bit faster 
    # but haven't implemented.
    # rowIndices is a 1D array whose elements are the indices of the 
    # smallest distance for each page (small array) of traces.
    rowIndices = np.argmin(distances, axis=0)

    # Get the actual distances
    min_distances = distances[rowIndices, np.arange(nTraces)]

    # Indices of two smallest traces (pages)
    columnIndices = np.argpartition(min_distances, 2)[:2]

    # Row indices of the two closest points
    rowIndices = rowIndices[columnIndices]

    # Distances to two closest points
    closePoints_distances = min_distances[columnIndices]

    # Calculate the interpolant weights based on the distances
    interpolantWeights = closePoints_distances/np.sum(closePoints_distances)

    # Return the indices because I need to retrieve the data for the close points
    # Return the interpolant weights to interpolate the data once retrieved
    return rowIndices, columnIndices, interpolantWeights

vertices = np.random.rand(200, 3)
traces = np.random.rand(100, 3, 10)
nTraces = traces.shape[-1]

# This is a simplified version of what actually happens.
for index, currentLocation in enumerate(np.arange(vertices.shape[0])):
    interpolate(currentLocation, traces, nTraces)

由于数据的结构,我只能选择一块%timeit interpolater(currentLocation, streamlineBlock, nStreamlines) 10 loops, best of 3: 42.8 ms per loop 来搜索(L~2e3),这显着减少了运行时间。要搜索的括号是currentLocation的函数。



cProfile告诉我,np.einsum和np.argmin是最慢的 - 实际上它们是计算的绝大部分。请注意,这是针对一小部分数据的代码,因此可能无法准确反映上述功能。

%timeit interpolaterNew(...)
100 loops, best of 3: 6.27 ms per loop


我现在对如何提高性能感到有点失落。鉴于距离计算和argmin排序是最昂贵的,是否可以“矢量化”这些步骤,将计算应用于整个“顶点”数组?我通过广播到轴= 4没有成功尝试这个 - 计算机冻结了。 cProfile报告是否指向其他任何内容,或者我的代码中是否有任何明显的错误?有人能指出我更好的方法吗?最后,使用tqdm,每秒迭代次数大幅度快速减少(前几分钟内减少到250次) - 这是预期的吗?

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