
时间:2018-01-22 15:18:24

标签: r dataframe data-cleaning data-munging



x <- data.frame("Year" = c(2017,2017,2017,2018,2018),
            "Country" = c("Sweden", "Sweden", "Norway", "Denmark", "Finland"),
            "Sales" = c(15, 15, 18, 13, 12),
            "Campaigns" = c(3, NA, 4, 1, 1),
            "Employees" = c(15, 15, 12, 8, 9),
            "Satisfaction" = c(0.8, NA, 0.9, 0.95, 0.87),
            "Expenses" = c(NA, NA, 9000, 7500, 4300))



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


ind <-  setDT(x)[,  {
     i1 <- Reduce(`+`, lapply(.SD, is.na))
    .I[i1 > 0 & (i1 == max(i1))]
    }, .(Year, Country)]$V1
#    Year Country Sales Campaigns Employees Satisfaction Expenses
#1: 2017  Sweden    15         3        15         0.80       NA
#2: 2017  Norway    18         4        12         0.90     9000
#3: 2018 Denmark    13         1         8         0.95     7500
#4: 2018 Finland    12         1         9         0.87     4300

答案 1 :(得分:3)


x %>%
  mutate(n_na = rowSums(is.na(.))) %>%  ## calculate NAs for each row      
  group_by(Year, Country) %>%           ## for each year/country
  arrange(n_na) %>%                       ## sort by number of NAs
  slice(1) %>%                            ## take the first row
  select(-n_na)                           ## remove the NA counter column
# A tibble: 4 x 7
# Groups:   Year, Country [4]
   Year Country Sales Campaigns Employees Satisfaction Expenses
  <dbl>  <fctr> <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>        <dbl>    <dbl>
1  2017  Norway    18         4        12         0.90     9000
2  2017  Sweden    15         3        15         0.80       NA
3  2018 Denmark    13         1         8         0.95     7500
4  2018 Finland    12         1         9         0.87     4300

答案 2 :(得分:1)

Base R解决方案:

x$nas <- rowSums(sapply(x, is.na))
        by(x, x[c("Year","Country")],
           function(df) head(df[order(df$nas),,drop=FALSE], n=1)))
#   Year Country Sales Campaigns Employees Satisfaction Expenses nas
# 4 2018 Denmark    13         1         8         0.95     7500   0
# 5 2018 Finland    12         1         9         0.87     4300   0
# 3 2017  Norway    18         4        12         0.90     9000   0
# 1 2017  Sweden    15         3        15         0.80       NA   1

并不太令人惊讶,data.table实施速度很快,但我对它比基数R快多少感到有些惊讶。因为一个小数据集可能会影响这一点。 (在基准测试中,我必须创建原始副本,因为data.table就地修改了数据,因此x不再是data.frame。)

  data.table = {
    x0 <- copy(x)
    ind <-  setDT(x0)[,  {
      i1 <- Reduce(`+`, lapply(.SD, is.na))
      .I[i1 > 0 & (i1 == max(i1))]
    }, .(Year, Country)]$V1
  dplyr = {
    x %>%
      mutate(n_na = rowSums(is.na(.))) %>%  ## calculate NAs for each row      
      group_by(Year, Country) %>%           ## for each year/country
      arrange(n_na) %>%                       ## sort by number of NAs
      slice(1) %>%                            ## take the first row
      select(-n_na)                           ## remove the NA counter column
  base = {
    x0 <- x
    x0$nas <- rowSums(sapply(x0, is.na))
            by(x0, x0[c("Year","Country")],
               function(df) head(df[order(df$nas),,drop=FALSE], n=1)))
# Unit: milliseconds
#        expr      min       lq     mean   median       uq       max neval
#  data.table 1.223477 1.441005 1.973714 1.582861 1.919090 12.837569   100
#       dplyr 2.675239 2.901882 4.465172 3.079295 3.806453 42.261540   100
#        base 2.039615 2.209187 2.737758 2.298714 2.570760  8.586946   100