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type Config =
ConnectionString: string
SuperMode: bool
NumberOfWidgets: int
module Library =
let login (config: Config) userName passwordHash =
// do stuff
let createWidget (config: Config) widgetName widgetValue =
// do stuff
let config = {ConnectionString = "localhost"; SuperMode = true; NumberOfWidgets = 3}
let configuredLogin = Library.login config // configuredLogin is a function taking userName and passwordHash
let configuredCreateWidget = Library.createWidget config // configuredCreateWidget is a function taking widgetName and widgetValu
let applyConfig (config: Config) =
(fun userName passwordHash ->
Library.login config userName passwordHash), // do login using the config
(fun widgetName widgetValue ->
Library.createWidget config widgetName widgetValue) // create the widget using the config
let login, createWidget = applyConfig config // Returns functions that close over the Config and use it when called