我想调试ShadowCAT包中的函数。 https://github.com/Karel-Kroeze/ShadowCAT/tree/master/R
alpha_beta <- simulate_testbank(model = "GPCM", number_items = 100,
number_dimensions = 3, number_itemsteps = 3)
model <- "GPCM"
start_items <- list(type = 'fixed', item_keys = c("item33", "item5", "item23"), n = 3)
stop_test <- list(min_n = 4, max_n = 30, target = c(.1, .1, .1))
estimator <- "maximum_aposteriori"
information_summary <- "posterior_determinant"
prior_form <- "normal"
prior_parameters <- list(mu = c(0, 0, 0), Sigma = diag(3))
# Initial call: get key of first item to adminster
call1 <- shadowcat(answers = NULL, estimate = c(0, 0, 0), variance = as.vector(diag(3) * 25),
model = model, alpha = alpha_beta$alpha, beta = alpha_beta$beta,
start_items = start_items, stop_test = stop_test,
estimator = estimator, information_summary = information_summary,
prior_form = prior_form, prior_parameters = prior_parameters)
编辑2 代码的主体:
function (answers, estimate, variance, model, alpha, beta, start_items,
stop_test, estimator, information_summary, prior_form = NULL,
prior_parameters = NULL, guessing = NULL, eta = NULL, constraints_and_characts = NULL,
lower_bound = NULL, upper_bound = NULL, safe_eap = FALSE,
eap_estimation_procedure = "riemannsum")
result <- function() {
switch_to_maximum_aposteriori <- estimator == "maximum_likelihood" &&
!is.null(lower_bound) && !is.null(upper_bound)
estimator <- get_estimator(switch_to_maximum_aposteriori = switch_to_maximum_aposteriori)
prior_form <- get_prior_form(switch_to_maximum_aposteriori = switch_to_maximum_aposteriori)
prior_parameters <- get_prior_parameters(switch_to_maximum_aposteriori = switch_to_maximum_aposteriori)
beta <- get_beta()
guessing <- get_guessing()
number_items <- nrow(alpha)
number_dimensions <- ncol(alpha)
number_itemsteps_per_item <- number_non_missing_cells_per_row(beta)
lp_constraints_and_characts <- get_lp_constraints_and_characts(number_items = number_items)
item_keys <- rownames(alpha)
item_keys_administered <- names(answers)
item_keys_available <- get_item_keys_available(item_keys_administered = item_keys_administered,
item_keys = item_keys)
attr(estimate, "variance") <- matrix(variance, ncol = number_dimensions)
estimate <- update_person_estimate(estimate = estimate,
answers_vector = unlist(answers), item_indices_administered = match(item_keys_administered,
item_keys), number_dimensions = number_dimensions,
alpha = alpha, beta = beta, guessing = guessing,
number_itemsteps_per_item = number_itemsteps_per_item,
estimator = estimator, prior_form = prior_form, prior_parameters = prior_parameters)
continue_test <- !terminate_test(number_answers = length(answers),
estimate = estimate, min_n = stop_test$min_n, max_n = stop_test$max_n,
variance_target = stop_test$target, cutoffs = stop_test$cutoffs)
if (continue_test) {
index_new_item <- get_next_item(start_items = start_items,
information_summary = information_summary, lp_constraints = lp_constraints_and_characts$lp_constraints,
lp_characters = lp_constraints_and_characts$lp_chars,
estimate = estimate, model = model, answers = unlist(answers),
prior_form = prior_form, prior_parameters = prior_parameters,
available = match(item_keys_available, item_keys),
administered = match(item_keys_administered,
item_keys), number_items = number_items, number_dimensions = number_dimensions,
estimator = estimator, alpha = alpha, beta = beta,
guessing = guessing, number_itemsteps_per_item = number_itemsteps_per_item,
stop_test = stop_test, eap_estimation_procedure = eap_estimation_procedure)
key_new_item <- item_keys[index_new_item]
else {
key_new_item <- NULL
list(key_new_item = as.scalar2(key_new_item), continue_test = as.scalar2(continue_test),
estimate = as.vector(estimate), variance = as.vector(attr(estimate,
"variance")), answers = answers)
update_person_estimate <- function(estimate, answers_vector,
item_indices_administered, number_dimensions, alpha,
beta, guessing, number_itemsteps_per_item, estimator,
prior_form, prior_parameters) {
if (length(answers) > start_items$n)
estimate_latent_trait(estimate = estimate, answers = answers_vector,
prior_form = prior_form, prior_parameters = prior_parameters,
model = model, administered = item_indices_administered,
number_dimensions = number_dimensions, estimator = estimator,
alpha = alpha, beta = beta, guessing = guessing,
number_itemsteps_per_item = number_itemsteps_per_item,
safe_eap = safe_eap, eap_estimation_procedure = eap_estimation_procedure)
else estimate
get_item_keys_available <- function(item_keys_administered,
item_keys) {
if (is.null(item_keys_administered))
else item_keys[-which(item_keys %in% item_keys_administered)]
get_beta <- function() {
if (model == "GPCM" && is.null(beta) && !is.null(eta))
else beta
get_guessing <- function() {
if (is.null(guessing))
matrix(0, nrow = nrow(as.matrix(alpha)), ncol = 1,
dimnames = list(rownames(alpha), NULL))
else guessing
get_estimator <- function(switch_to_maximum_aposteriori) {
if (switch_to_maximum_aposteriori)
else estimator
get_prior_form <- function(switch_to_maximum_aposteriori) {
if (switch_to_maximum_aposteriori)
else prior_form
get_prior_parameters <- function(switch_to_maximum_aposteriori) {
if (switch_to_maximum_aposteriori)
list(lower_bound = lower_bound, upper_bound = upper_bound)
else prior_parameters
get_lp_constraints_and_characts <- function(number_items) {
if (is.null(constraints_and_characts))
else constraints_lp_format(max_n = stop_test$max_n, number_items = number_items,
characteristics = constraints_and_characts$characteristics,
constraints = constraints_and_characts$constraints)
validate <- function() {
if (is.null(estimate))
return(add_error("estimate", "is missing"))
if (is.null(variance))
return(add_error("variance", "is missing"))
if (!is.vector(variance))
return(add_error("variance", "should be entered as vector"))
if (sqrt(length(variance)) != round(sqrt(length(variance))))
return(add_error("variance", "should be a covariance matrix turned into a vector"))
if (is.null(model))
return(add_error("model", "is missing"))
if (is.null(alpha))
return(add_error("alpha", "is missing"))
if (is.null(start_items))
return(add_error("start_items", "is missing"))
if (is.null(stop_test))
return(add_error("stop_test", "is missing"))
if (is.null(estimator))
return(add_error("estimator", "is missing"))
if (is.null(information_summary))
return(add_error("information_summary", "is missing"))
if (!is.matrix(alpha) || is.null(rownames(alpha)))
return(add_error("alpha", "should be a matrix with item keys as row names"))
if (!is.null(beta) && (!is.matrix(beta) || is.null(rownames(beta))))
return(add_error("beta", "should be a matrix with item keys as row names"))
if (!is.null(eta) && (!is.matrix(eta) || is.null(rownames(eta))))
return(add_error("eta", "should be a matrix with item keys as row names"))
if (!is.null(guessing) && (!is.matrix(guessing) || ncol(guessing) !=
1 || is.null(rownames(guessing))))
return(add_error("guessing", "should be a single column matrix with item keys as row names"))
if (!is.null(start_items$type) && start_items$type ==
"random_by_dimension" && length(start_items$n_by_dimension) %not_in%
c(1, length(estimate)))
return(add_error("start_items", "length of n_by_dimension should be a scalar or vector of the length of estimate"))
if (!row_names_are_equal(rownames(alpha), list(alpha,
beta, eta, guessing)))
add_error("alpha_beta_eta_guessing", "should have equal row names, in same order")
if (!is.null(beta) && !na_only_end_rows(beta))
add_error("beta", "can only contain NA at the end of rows, no values allowed after an NA in a row")
if (!is.null(eta) && !na_only_end_rows(eta))
add_error("eta", "can only contain NA at the end of rows, no values allowed after an NA in a row")
if (length(estimate) != ncol(alpha))
add_error("estimate", "length should be equal to the number of columns of the alpha matrix")
if (length(estimate)^2 != length(variance))
add_error("variance", "should have a length equal to the length of estimate squared")
if (is.null(answers) && !is.positive.definite(matrix(variance,
ncol = sqrt(length(variance)))))
add_error("variance", "matrix is not positive definite")
if (model %not_in% c("3PLM", "GPCM", "SM", "GRM"))
add_error("model", "of unknown type")
if (model != "GPCM" && is.null(beta))
add_error("beta", "is missing")
if (model == "GPCM" && is.null(beta) && is.null(eta))
add_error("beta_and_eta", "are both missing; define at least one of them")
if (model == "GPCM" && !is.null(beta) && !is.null(eta) &&
!all(row_cumsum(eta) == beta))
add_error("beta_and_eta", "objects do not match")
if (estimator != "maximum_likelihood" && is.null(prior_form))
add_error("prior_form", "is missing")
if (estimator != "maximum_likelihood" && is.null(prior_parameters))
add_error("prior_parameters", "is missing")
if (!is.null(prior_form) && prior_form %not_in% c("normal",
add_error("prior_form", "of unknown type")
if (!is.null(prior_form) && !is.null(prior_parameters) &&
prior_form == "uniform" && (is.null(prior_parameters$lower_bound) ||
add_error("prior_form_is_uniform", "so prior_parameters should contain lower_bound and upper_bound")
if (!is.null(prior_form) && !is.null(prior_parameters) &&
prior_form == "normal" && (is.null(prior_parameters$mu) ||
add_error("prior_form_is_normal", "so prior_parameters should contain mu and Sigma")
if (!is.null(prior_parameters$mu) && length(prior_parameters$mu) !=
add_error("prior_parameters_mu", "should have same length as estimate")
if (!is.null(prior_parameters$Sigma) && (!is.matrix(prior_parameters$Sigma) ||
!all(dim(prior_parameters$Sigma) == c(length(estimate),
length(estimate))) || !is.positive.definite(prior_parameters$Sigma)))
add_error("prior_parameters_sigma", "should be a square positive definite matrix, with dimensions equal to the length of estimate")
if (!is.null(prior_parameters$lower_bound) && !is.null(prior_parameters$upper_bound) &&
(length(prior_parameters$lower_bound) != length(estimate) ||
length(prior_parameters$upper_bound) != length(estimate)))
add_error("prior_parameters_bounds", "should contain lower and upper bound of the same length as estimate")
if (is.null(stop_test$max_n))
add_error("stop_test", "contains no max_n")
if (!is.null(stop_test$max_n) && stop_test$max_n > nrow(alpha))
add_error("stop_test_max_n", "is larger than the number of items in the item bank")
if (!is.null(stop_test$max_n) && !is.null(stop_test$cutoffs) &&
(!is.matrix(stop_test$cutoffs) || nrow(stop_test$cutoffs) <
stop_test$max_n || ncol(stop_test$cutoffs) !=
length(estimate) || any(is.na(stop_test$cutoffs))))
add_error("stop_test_cutoffs", "should be a matrix without missing values, and number of rows equal to max_n and number of columns equal to the number of dimensions")
if (start_items$n == 0 && information_summary == "posterior_expected_kullback_leibler")
add_error("start_items", "requires n > 0 for posterior expected kullback leibler information summary")
if (!is.null(start_items$type) && start_items$type ==
"random_by_dimension" && length(start_items$n_by_dimension) ==
length(estimate) && start_items$n != sum(start_items$n_by_dimension))
add_error("start_items_n", "contains inconsistent information. Total length of start phase and sum of length per dimension do not match (n != sum(n_by_dimension)")
if (!is.null(start_items$type) && start_items$type ==
"random_by_dimension" && length(start_items$n_by_dimension) ==
1 && start_items$n != sum(rep(start_items$n_by_dimension,
add_error("start_items_n", "contains inconsistent information. Total length of start phase and sum of length per dimension do not match")
if (!is.null(stop_test$cutoffs) && !is.matrix(stop_test$cutoffs))
add_error("stop_test", "contains cutoff values in non-matrix format")
if (!all(names(answers) %in% rownames(alpha)))
add_error("answers", "contains non-existing key")
if (estimator %not_in% c("maximum_likelihood", "maximum_aposteriori",
add_error("estimator", "of unknown type")
if (information_summary %not_in% c("determinant", "posterior_determinant",
"trace", "posterior_trace", "posterior_expected_kullback_leibler"))
add_error("information_summary", "of unknown type")
if (estimator == "maximum_likelihood" && information_summary %in%
c("posterior_determinant", "posterior_trace", "posterior_expected_kullback_leibler"))
add_error("estimator_is_maximum_likelihood", "so using a posterior information summary makes no sense")
if (estimator != "maximum_likelihood" && (!is.null(lower_bound) ||
add_error("bounds", "can only be defined if estimator is maximum likelihood")
if (!is.null(lower_bound) && length(lower_bound) %not_in%
c(1, length(estimate)))
add_error("lower_bound", "length of lower bound should be a scalar or vector of the length of estimate")
if (!is.null(upper_bound) && length(upper_bound) %not_in%
c(1, length(estimate)))
add_error("upper_bound", "length of upper bound should be a scalar or vector of the length of estimate")
if (!no_missing_information(constraints_and_characts$characteristics,
add_error("constraints_and_characts", "constraints and characteristics should either be defined both or not at all")
if (!characteristics_correct_format(constraints_and_characts$characteristics,
number_items = nrow(alpha)))
add_error("characteristics", "should be a data frame with number of rows equal to the number of items in the item bank")
if (!constraints_correct_structure(constraints_and_characts$constraints))
add_error("constraints_structure", "should be a list of length three lists, with elements named 'name', 'op', 'target'")
if (!constraints_correct_names(constraints_and_characts$constraints,
add_error("constraints_name_elements", "should be defined as described in the details section of constraints_lp_format()")
if (!constraints_correct_operators(constraints_and_characts$constraints))
add_error("constraints_operator_elements", "should be defined as described in the details section of constraints_lp_format()")
if (!constraints_correct_targets(constraints_and_characts$constraints))
add_error("constraints_target_elements", "should be defined as described in the details section of constraints_lp_format()")
invalid_result <- function() {
list(errors = errors())
编辑3 validate_and_run()函数:
function ()
.errors <- list()
add_error <- function(key, value = TRUE) {
.errors[key] <<- value
errors <- function() {
validate_and_runner <- function() {
if (exists("validate", parent.frame(), inherits = FALSE))
do.call("validate", list(), envir = parent.frame())
if (exists("test_inner_functions", envir = parent.frame(n = 2),
inherits = FALSE))
get("result", parent.frame())
else if (length(errors()) == 0)
do.call("result", list(), envir = parent.frame())
else do.call("invalid_result", list(), envir = parent.frame())
for (n in ls(environment())) assign(n, get(n, environment()),
do.call("validate_and_runner", list(), envir = parent.frame())