GET请求可以在浏览器中使用,但不能在POSTMAN中使用 - Cloudfare拒绝它

时间:2018-01-21 06:26:05

标签: rest api postman

  1. 我正在尝试访问以下API,这就是行为 API =
  2. 从Postman访问此API时,我得到了输出。但是,如果我让邮递员打开并在10分钟后进行测试 - 输出错误

    Error : <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html lang="en-US">
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            var s,t,o,p,b,r,e,a,k,i,n,g,f, zHvFeWz={"vFQLFVZTSM":+((!+[]+!![]+!![]+[])+(!+[]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]))};
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    = parseInt(zHvFeWz.vFQLFVZTSM, 10) + t.length; '; 121'
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                                <p data-translate="process_is_automatic">This process is automatic. Your browser will redirect to your requested content shortly.</p>
                                <p data-translate="allow_5_secs">Please allow up to 5 seconds&hellip;</p>
                            <form id="challenge-form" action="/cdn-cgi/l/chk_jschl" method="get">
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                            <a href="" target="_blank" style="font-size: 12px;">DDoS protection by Cloudflare</a>
                Ray ID: 3e081d20db788866
        </body> </html>
    1. 但是,如果从浏览器测试时使用相同的API,即使我多次尝试也不会失败。
    2. 修改-1 谢谢你的意见。我想提供更多细节。请从DEV工具中找到附图 enter image description here



      alternate-protocol →443:spdy/3.1
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      content-type →application/json
      date →Tue, 23 Jan 2018 09:16:48 GMT
      expect-ct →max-age=604800, report-uri=""
      expires →0
      pragma →no-cache
      server →cloudflare
      status →200
      strict-transport-security →max-age=31536000
      vary →Accept-Encoding

      Cookie详细信息 enter image description here

      enter image description here

      第2步:5分钟后,我只是点击发送邮差 - 我收到以下错误

      <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html lang="en-US">
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              var s,t,o,p,b,r,e,a,k,i,n,g,f, gabJCII={"Hoov":+((!+[]+!![]+!![]+[])+(!+[]+!![]))};
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              t = t.firstChild.href;r = t.match(/https?:\/\//)[0];
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              a = document.getElementById('jschl-answer');
              f = document.getElementById('challenge-form');
              ;gabJCII.Hoov-=+((!+[]+!![]+!![]+[])+(!+[]+!![]));a.value = parseInt(gabJCII.Hoov, 10) + t.length; '; 121'
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                                      <span data-translate="checking_browser">Checking your browser before accessing</span>
                                  <p data-translate="process_is_automatic">This process is automatic. Your browser will redirect to your requested content shortly.</p>
                                  <p data-translate="allow_5_secs">Please allow up to 5 seconds&hellip;</p>
                              <form id="challenge-form" action="/cdn-cgi/l/chk_jschl" method="get">
                                  <input type="hidden" name="jschl_vc" value="f4e119ff9275afc0a1dd291cd3ecf994"/>
                                  <input type="hidden" name="pass" value="1516699334.127-JXvj0i+E1V"/>
                                  <input type="hidden" id="jschl-answer" name="jschl_answer"/>
                          <div class="attribution">
                              <a href="" target="_blank" style="font-size: 12px;">DDoS protection by Cloudflare</a>
                  Ray ID: 3e19afdd4f322f11
          </body> </html>


      cache-control →no-cache
      cf-ray →3e19afdd4f322f11-DEL
      content-type →text/html; charset=UTF-8
      date →Tue, 23 Jan 2018 09:22:10 GMT
      expect-ct →max-age=604800, report-uri=""
      server →cloudflare
      status →503
      x-frame-options →SAMEORIGIN

      Cookie详细信息 enter image description here

1 个答案:

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检查您的邮递员是否能够与Interceptor进行交互,而最新的Linux snap v6.7.1则不能!

检查:How do I access Chrome's cookies in Postman's Chrome App 和:Interceptor extension