
时间:2018-01-19 15:44:56

标签: qt qml components

我在google / stackoverflow上搜索了很多这个问题,但没有找到适合我的解决方案。我已经了解到,如果没有一些技巧,访问子ID /属性是不可行的。 我尝试使用多个别名属性,但我无法建立别名链,因为我无法在组件中定义属性。


GridView {

x: videoWallWindow.x
y: videoWallWindow.y
width: videoWallWindow.width
height: videoWallWindow.height
cellWidth: 300
cellHeight: 300

property alias deleg : loader.item

Loader {
    id: loader
    sourceComponent: videoDelegate
    visible: false

Component {
    id: videoDelegate
    Rectangle {
        id: container
        property alias streamVid : stream
        width: 256
        height: 240
        color: "#4f4f4f"
        border.color: "black"
        border.width: 3
        Stream {
            id: stream

        Playbar {
            x: 0
            y: container.height - 20
            width: container.width
            height: 20

        Text {
            id: textId
            text: name //defined in a ListModel


model: StreamList {}
delegate: videoDelegate
focus: true

(MainGrid.qml) (厌倦了别名属性,我的最后一次尝试是使用Loader)

ToolBar {

property MainGrid myGrid

id: footer
x: 0
y: window.height - footer.height
width: window.width
background: Rectangle {
    implicitHeight: 45
    color: "#212121"

    Rectangle {
        width: parent.width
        height: 1
        anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
        color: "transparent"
        border.color: "#212121"

Row {
    anchors.centerIn: parent
    PlaybarButton {
        id: pauseButton
        height: footer.height
        width: footer.height

        property bool currentState: true

        onClicked: {
            currentState ? myGrid.deleg.streamVid.pause() : myGrid.deleg.streamVid.play() //<----- here is the problem
            currentState = !currentState
        Image {
            id: pauseImage
            anchors.fill: parent
            source: parent.currentState ? ("pics/pause.png") : ("pics/play.png")


Video {
id: streamVideo
width: mainGrid.cellWidth
height: mainGrid.cellHeight
anchors.fill: parent

source: portrait //defined as the path in a ListModel

MouseArea {
    anchors.fill: parent
    onClicked: {
        video.playbackState == MediaPlayer.PlayingState ? video.pause() : video.play()
autoPlay: true
loops: MediaPlayer.Infinite
focus: true



ApplicationWindow {
id: window
visible: true

width: Screen.desktopAvailableWidth
height: Screen.desktopAvailableHeight

MainGrid {
    id: mainGrid

Footer {
    id: footer
    myGrid: mainGrid




1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)




// in main.qml
signal togglePlayback

// in delegate
Connections {
  target: mainQMLFile
  onTogglePlayback: video.playbackState == MediaPlayer.PlayingState ? video.pause() : video.play()
