
时间:2018-01-19 15:35:47

标签: java spring design-patterns abstract autowired

我的代码有一个奇怪的问题。 我已经实现了template method pattern来提供相同alghoritm的不同实现。 所以我创建了抽象类:

public abstract class ExcelRdi_Iupr_Sl {
    private Environment env;

    private static String PROPERTY_NAME_FILESYSTEM_EXCELPATH = "temporary.excelpath";
    private XSSFWorkbook workbook; 
    private XSSFCellStyle unlockedNumericStyle;
    private XSSFSheet sheet;

     * Create the excel file with the RDI,IUPR or SL
     * @param car
     * @param fileName
     * @return
     * @throws Exception
    public final String retrieve(Car car, String fileName) throws Exception{
        Map<Integer,Integer> defMap = firstTwoRow(car, sheet);
        elaboration(car, sheet, unlockedNumericStyle, defMap);
        return writeFile(car, fileName);

     * Import the excel file with the RDI,IUPR or SL
     * @param file
     * @param car
     * @throws Exception
    public final int update(MultipartFile file, Car car) throws Exception{
        String filePath = saveFile(file, car);
        return updateRdi(car, sheet);

     * Save the imported file into file system inside a temporary folder
     * @param file
     * @param car
     * @return
     * @throws Exception
    private String saveFile(MultipartFile multipartFile, Car car) throws Exception {
        String path = env.getRequiredProperty(PROPERTY_NAME_FILESYSTEM_EXCELPATH) + File.separator + String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis());
        File file = new File (path+ File.separator + multipartFile.getOriginalFilename());
        return file.getAbsolutePath();

     * Initialize the object for the creating procedure
    protected void writeInitialize(){
        //initialize class variable

     * Initialize the object for the reading procedure
     * @param filePath
     * @throws Exception
    protected void readInitialize(String filePath) throws Exception{
        //read ile and initialize class variable


     * Write the created file inside the file system
     * @param car
     * @param fileName
     * @return
     * @throws Exception
    private String writeFile(Car car, String fileName) throws Exception{        
        //write on file

     * This excel creating method has to be implemented by the concrete class
     * @param car
     * @param sheet
     * @throws Exception
    protected abstract Map<Integer,Integer> firstTwoRow(Car car, XSSFSheet sheet) throws Exception;

     * This excel creating method has to be implemented by the concrete class
     * @param car
     * @param sheet
     * @param defMap
     * @throws Exception
    protected abstract void elaboration(Car car, XSSFSheet sheet, XSSFCellStyle unlockedNumericStyle, Map<Integer,Integer> defMap);

     * This excel import method has to be implemented by the concrete class
     * @param car
     * @param sheet
     * @return number of elaborated row
     * @throws Exception
    protected abstract int updateRdi(Car car, XSSFSheet sheet) throws Exception;


public class ExcelRdi extends ExcelRdi_Iupr_Sl {
    private RdiServices rdiServices;
    private AcquisitionServices acquisitionServices;
    static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ExcelRdi.class);

     * Create the first two row of excel file
    protected Map<Integer,Integer> firstTwoRow(Car car, XSSFSheet sheet) throws Exception {

     * Create the row with RDI for excel file
    protected void elaboration(Car car, XSSFSheet sheet, XSSFCellStyle unlockedNumericStyle, Map<Integer,Integer> defRdiMap) {

     * Import the Excel file
     * @throws Exception 
    @Transactional(rollbackFor= Exception.class)
    protected int updateRdi(Car car, XSSFSheet sheet) throws Exception{


private ExcelRdi excelRdi;
private ExcelIupr excelIupr;
private ExcelSl excelSl;

    public String getExcel(Car car, String type) throws Exception {
        String fileName = type + "$"+car.getFleet().getFleetName().getFleetName() +"$"+ car.getFleet().getApplication()+"$"+ car.getCarType().getIdCarType()+car.getId() +"$"+car.getIdCar()+".xlsx";                   
        switch (type){
        case "RDI": return excelRdi.retrieve(car, fileName);
        case "IUPR": return excelIupr.retrieve(car, fileName);
        case "SL": return excelSl.retrieve(car, fileName);
        default: throw new FileFormatException("You can create only RDI, SL or IUPR file!");

    public int importExcel(MultipartFile file, Car car, String type) throws Exception {
        //Check if the file has the correct name before import
        String fileName = type + "$"+car.getFleet().getFleetName().getFleetName() +"$"+ car.getFleet().getApplication()+"$"+ car.getCarType().getIdCarType()+car.getId() +"$"+car.getIdCar()+".xlsx";                   
        if (!file.getOriginalFilename().equals(fileName))
            throw new FileFormatException("The file is not for this car");
        switch (type){
        case "RDI": return excelRdi.update(file, car);
        case "IUPR": return excelIupr.update(file, car);
        case "SL": return excelSl.update(file, car);
        default: throw new FileFormatException("You can create only RDI, SL or IUPR file!");



  1. 如果我protected updateRdi工作正常,@Transactional注释需要公开方法,否则无法正常工作
  2. _如果我public updateRdi nullPointerException sheet firstTwoRow env $("body").tooltip({ selector: "[data-toggle=tooltip]" }); 对象placement: "top"show.bs.tooltip变量相同。 你知道为什么我有这种行为以及如何解决这个问题吗?非常感谢

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



然而,由于final性质,这种情况不会发生,并且将在代理上调用该方法,而不是代理中的实际对象。由于代理不是Spring bean,所有@Autowired字段都是null,因此NullPointerException

如果要在update方法中放置断点,可以观察到这种行为。您将在调试器中看到所有实例字段都是null,并且类名是{{1} 1}}。还会有一个字段YOurClass$CgLibProxy(如果我没记错的话),其中包含已注入依赖项的实际Spring bean。
