
时间:2018-01-18 11:12:00

标签: c# economics



 public void AddDailyCrudeOil() {
      CrudeOilSupplyRussia += DailyCrudeOilAmountRussia;
       * Every 0.125% increase in supply, has a 0.06% decrease in the price. 
       * Conversely, any 0.125% decrease in supply, has a 0.1% increase in price. 
       * At our base supply, 40M, 0.125% will be 50K, and the condition will be true as our daily supply delivery is 100k
       * */
      if (DailyCrudeOilAmountRussia > CrudeOilSupplyRussia * 0.00125f) {
          CrudeOilPriceRussia *= -0.0006f;



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


public class tmp
    public void test()
        var baseAmount = 40000000M;
        var basePrice = 100;
        var percentIncreaseTrigger = 0.00125M;
        var percentDecreaseInPrice = 0.0006M;

        GetNewPrice(baseAmount, basePrice, percentIncreaseTrigger,
                    percentDecreaseInPrice, 40050000)

        GetNewPrice(baseAmount, basePrice, percentIncreaseTrigger, 
                    percentDecreaseInPrice, 40100000)

        GetNewPrice(baseAmount, basePrice, percentIncreaseTrigger, 
                    percentDecreaseInPrice, 40400000)


    private decimal GetNewPrice(decimal baseAmount, decimal basePrice, 
           decimal trigger, decimal decreaseBy, decimal newAmount)
        //work out what the trigger % is as an absolute amount
        var triggerAmount = baseAmount * trigger;

        //work out the price decrease as an absolute amount of the base price
        var priceDecreaseAmount = basePrice * decreaseBy;

        //work out how much over the baseAmount we are
        var amountOver = newAmount - baseAmount;

        //work out how many times we can fit the 0.125% into this - 
        //ignore fractional parts
        var numberOfTriggers = Math.Floor(amountOver / triggerAmount);

        //multiply the priceDecrease amount up by this
        var totalToTakeOffPrice = priceDecreaseAmount * numberOfTriggers;

        var result = basePrice - totalToTakeOffPrice;

        return result;


答案 1 :(得分:0)



  static void Main()
        var price = GetPrice(40050000.0);

  private static double GetPrice(double supply)
            if (supply > 40000000.0)
                 double slope = -0.012 / 50000.0; // Decrease price by 0.012 for each 50000 increase in supply
                 double origin = 20 - (slope * 40000000.0); // Calculate the price at 0 supply given the price at 40 million supply
                 return origin + supply * slope; // Price at the given supply
                 double slope = -0.02 / 50000.0; // Decrease price by 0.02 for each 50000 increase in supply
                 double origin = 20 - (slope * 40000000.0); // Calculate the price at 0 supply given the price at 40 million supply
                 return origin + supply * slope; // Price at the given supply

答案 2 :(得分:0)


public double practicalCase(double actualStock, double baseStock, double percentChange, double basePrice,
        double priceDecrease, double priceIncrease)
        double changeAmount = baseStock * percentChange;
        double priceChanges = Math.Floor(Math.Abs(baseStock - actualStock) / changeAmount);

        if (actualStock > baseStock)
            return (basePrice - (priceDecrease * priceChanges));
            return (basePrice + (priceIncrease * priceChanges));


    public void TestPracticalCase()
        Assert.Equal(100d, _propertyManager.practicalCase(actualStock: 40000000d, baseStock: 40000000d, percentChange: 0.00125d,
            basePrice: 100d, priceDecrease: 0.06d, priceIncrease: 0.1d));

        Assert.Equal(99.94d, _propertyManager.practicalCase(actualStock: 40050000d, baseStock: 40000000d, percentChange: 0.00125d,
            basePrice: 100d, priceDecrease: 0.06d, priceIncrease: 0.1d));

        Assert.Equal(101d, _propertyManager.practicalCase(actualStock: 39500000d, baseStock: 40000000d, percentChange: 0.00125d,
            basePrice: 100d, priceDecrease: 0.06d, priceIncrease: 0.1d));