
时间:2018-01-18 08:46:19

标签: php pdf footer fpdf


class myPDF extends FPDF{

    function header(){
        $dates = new DateTime();
        $date2 = $dates->format('Y');
        $this->Cell(189,5,'ABSTRACT OF COMMUNITY TAX CERTIFICATES',0,0,'C');
        $this->Cell(189,10,'For the month of '.$date.' '.$date2,0,0,'C');
    function headerTable(){
        $this->Cell(30,8,'CTC No.',1,0,'C');
    function viewTable($db){
        $name = $_SESSION['name'];
        $stmt = $db->query("select * from tblctcab where cedrepnum='$repnumber' and username='$name' order by repdate asc");
        while($data = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)){
            $this->Cell(60,8,$data->cedlname.', '.$data->cedfname,1,0,'C');
        $stmts = $db->query("select * from tblctcc where cedrepn='$repnumber' and username='$name' order by rpdate asc");
        while($dat = $stmts->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)){
        $dbs=new mysqli('localhost' , 'root' , '', 'tres');
        $ctcab = $dbs->query("select sum(totalampa) as totalampa from tblctcab where cedrepnum='$repnumber'  and username='$name'");
        $data = $ctcab->fetch_assoc();
        $totalab = $data['totalampa'];
        $ctcc = $dbs->query("select sum(totalampas) as totalampas from tblctcc where cedrepn='$repnumber' and username='$name'");
        $datac = $ctcc->fetch_assoc();
        $totalcc = $datac['totalampas'];
        $overall = $totalab + $totalcc;


        $this->Cell(95,5,'Prepared By:',0,0,'L');
        $this->Cell(95,5,' Certified By:',0,0,'L');

    function footer(){
        $this->Cell(0,10,'Page '.$this->PageNo().'/{nb}',0,0,'R');

$pdf = new myPDF();






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