
时间:2018-01-18 02:27:36

标签: javascript html css







$("#myinput").keyup(function() {
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$(".img").wrap('<div class="alt-wrap"/>');

$(".img").each(function() {
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/* Website Title */
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/* Website desciption */
h2 {
/* Text */
p {
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/* Website body */
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/*Navigation Bar */
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li:last-child {
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ul li:hover:not(.active) {
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/* Search Bar */
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/* Cool code but not needed atm
input[type=text]:focus {
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/* Keeps images inline */	
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/*Puts overlay on images */
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img {
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body {
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.imgContainer:hover .overlay {
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.dl {
margin-top: 400px; 

/* For links for the pages */
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/* Styling current page buttons */
.pagination a.active {
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	color: white;

/* Styling on mouse-over background color for page buttons */
.pagination a:hover:not(.active) {background-color: #ddd;}

/*Forcing footer to the bottom*/
html, body, #wrap { height: 100%; }
body > #wrap { height: auto; min-height: 100%;}
#main { padding-bottom: 10px; } /* Must equal the height of the footer */

#footer {
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.clearfix {
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/* End of forcing footer to the bottom*/
	<title>Cryptos Explained</title>
		<!-- Links to my CSS document -->
		<link href="style.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
		<!-- My main heading -->
		<h1 align=center>Cryptos Explained</h1>
		<!-- My Sub-heading -->
		<h2 align=center>Explainations, Prices, WhitePapers and more</h2>
		<!-- Allows me to have jquery code at the bottom of the page -->
		<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.2.1.min.js"   integrity="sha256-hwg4gsxgFZhOsEEamdOYGBf13FyQuiTwlAQgxVSNgt4="   crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
		<!-- Kind of makes it mobile friendly -->
		<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
				<!-- Navigation bar -->
					<li class="active"><a href="#">Home</a></li>
					<li><a href="#">Vocabulary</a></li>
					<input type="text" id="myinput" name="search" placeholder="Search..." style="border-radius: 4px;">
		<!--Lots of Div classes so I can seperate the main and the footer -->
		<div id="wrap">
			<div id="main" class="clearfix">
				<!-- All my images -->
				<div class="image123">
					<div class="imgContainer">
						<a href="cryptos/generic.html"><img src="img/btc.png" alt="Bitcoin"><div class="overlay"><div class="text">Bitcoin</div></div></a>
					<div class="imgContainer">
						<a href="#"><img src="img/ethereum.png" alt="Ethereum"><div class="overlay"><div class="text">Ethereum</div></div></a>
					<div class="imgContainer">
						<a href="#"><img src="img/ripple.png" alt="Ripple"><div class="overlay"><div class="text">Ripple</div></div></a>
					<div class="imgContainer">
						<a href="#"><img src="img/Bitcoin_Cash.png" alt="Bitcoin Cash"><div class="overlay"><div class="text">Bitcoin Cash</div></div></a>
					<div class="imgContainer">
						<a href="#"><img src="img/ada.png" alt="Cardano"><div class="overlay"><div class="text">Cardano</div></div></a>
					<div class="imgContainer">
						<a href="#"><img src="img/NEM.png" alt="NEM"> <div class="overlay"><div class="text">NEM</div></div></a>
					<div class="imgContainer">
						<a href="#"><img src="img/Litecoin.png" alt="LiteCoin"><div class="overlay"><div class="text">LiteCoin</div></div></a>
					<div class="imgContainer">
						<a href="#"><img src="img/stellar.png" alt="Stellar Lumens"><div class="overlay"><div class="text">Stellar Lumens</div></div></a>   
					<div class="imgContainer">
						<a href="#"><img src="img/iota.png" alt="IOTA"><div class="overlay"><div class="text">IOTA</div></div></a>   
					<div class="imgContainer">
						<a href="#"><img src="img/dash.png" alt="Dash"><div class="overlay"><div class="text">Dash</div></div></a>   
					<div class="imgContainer">
						<a href="#"><img src="img/neo.png" alt="NEO"><div class="overlay"><div class="text">NEO</div></div></a>   
					<div class="imgContainer">
						<a href="#"><img src="img/tron.png" alt="Tron"><div class="overlay"><div class="text">Tron</div></div></a>   
					<div class="imgContainer">
						<a href="#"><img src="img/monero.png" alt="Monero"><div class="overlay"><div class="text">Monero</div></div></a>   
					<div class="imgContainer">
						<a href="#"><img src="img/eos.png" alt="EOS"><div class="overlay"><div class="text">EOS</div></div></a>   
					<div class="imgContainer">
						<a href="#"><img src="img/icon.png" alt="ICON"><div class="overlay"><div class="text">ICON</div></div></a>   
					<div class="imgContainer">
						<a href="#"><img src="img/bitcoingold.png" alt="Bitcoin Gold"><div class="overlay"><div class="text">Bitcoin Gold</div></div></a>   
					<div class="imgContainer">
						<a href="#"><img src="img/qtum.svg" alt="QTUM"><div class="overlay"><div class="text">QTUM</div></div></a>   
					<div class="imgContainer">
						<a href="#"><img src="img/ethereum_classic.png" alt="Ethereum Classic"><div class="overlay"><div class="text">Ethereum Classic</div></div></a>   
					<div class="imgContainer">
						<a href="#"><img src="img/raiblocks.png" alt="RaiBlocks"><div class="overlay"><div class="text">RaiBlocks</div></div></a>   
					<div class="imgContainer">
						<a href="#"><img src="img/lisk.png" alt="Lisk"><div class="overlay"><div class="text">Lisk</div></div></a>   
					<div class="imgContainer">
						<a href="#"><img src="img/verge.png" alt="Verge"><div class="overlay"><div class="text">Verge</div></div></a>   
				<!-- Pages -->
				<div id="footer">
					<div class="pagination" align="center">
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						<a class="active" href="#">1</a>
						<a href="page2.html">2</a>
						<a href="#">3</a>
						<a href="#">4</a>
						<a href="#">&raquo;</a>


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