所以最后的信息顺序是检查匹配的副本是否为SKU,Floor Lvl,Detail,Room,Lable
答案 0 :(得分:0)
正如@teylyn建议的那样,Pivot Table是可行的方法:
Insert > Pivot Table
PivotTable Tools > Design > Report Layout > Show in Tabular Form
PivotTable Tools > Design > Report Layout > Repeat All Item Labels
PivotTable Tools > Design > Grand Totals > Off for Rows and Columns
PivotTable Tools > Design > Subtotals > Do Not Show Subtotals
答案 1 :(得分:0)
Option explicit
Sub GroupCSVbyColumns()
Dim PathToCSV as string
PathToCSV = "C:\New Folder\ff.csv" 'Replace with actual path.'
If len(dir(PathToCSV)) >0 then
Dim ContentsOfCSV as string
Open PathToCSV for binary access read as #1
ContentsOfCSV = space$(lof(1))
Get #1,1, ContentsOfCSV ' Assumes file will fit in memory'
Close #1
Dim RowsInCSV() as string
RowsInCSV = split(ContentsOfCSV, vbNewline, -1, vbbinarycompare) ' Assumes rows are separated by new line character'
Const COMMA_DELIMITER as string = ","
Dim RowIndex as long
Dim OutputList() as string
Dim OutputCounts() as long
Redim OutputList(lbound(RowsInCSV) to ubound(RowsInCSV))
Redim OutputCounts(lbound(RowsInCSV) to ubound(RowsInCSV))
' "So final order of info to check if matched duplicates would be SKU, Floor Lvl, Detail, Room, Lable"
Not sure if it makes a difference in your case, but code below considers every column (apart from ' Count') when determining duplicates -- not just the ones you mentioned.'
Dim MatchResult as variant
Dim MatchesCount as long: MatchesCount = lbound(OutputList) 'this assignment ensures we leave the first element blank and reserved for header row, as we increment MatchCount first.
Dim CurrentRowText as string
Dim CurrentRowCount as long
For RowIndex = (lbound(RowsInCSV)+1) to ubound(RowsInCSV) ' Skip row of headers'
If len(RowsInCSV(RowIndex))>0 then
CurrentRowText = left$(RowsInCSV(RowIndex),instrrev(RowsInCSV(RowIndex),comma_delimiter,-1, vbbinarycompare)-1)
CurrentRowCount = clng(mid$(RowsInCSV(RowIndex),1+instrrev(RowsInCSV(RowIndex),comma_delimiter,-1, vbbinarycompare)))
' Filter function might perform better than Match below. '
MatchResult = application.match(CurrentRowText, OutputList,0)
If isnumeric(MatchResult) then
OutputCounts(clng(MatchResult)) = OutputCounts(clng(MatchResult)) + CurrentRowCount
MatchesCount = MatchesCount + 1
OutputList(MatchesCount) = CurrentRowText
OutputCounts(MatchesCount) = OutputCounts(MatchesCount) + CurrentRowCount
End if
End if
Next RowIndex
Dim TemporaryArray() as string
Dim ColumnIndex as long
TemporaryArray = split(RowsInCSV(lbound(RowsInCSV)),comma_delimiter,-1, vbbinarycompare)
Dim OutputTable(1 to (MatchesCount+1), 1 to (ubound(TemporaryArray)+1))
' Assign all headers from header row; done outside of loop below as all columns are looped through.'
For ColumnIndex = lbound(OutputTable,2) to (ubound(OutputTable,2))
OutputTable(1,ColumnIndex) = TemporaryArray(ColumnIndex-1)
Next ColumnIndex
For RowIndex = (lbound(OutputTable,1)+1) to ubound(OutputTable,1)
TemporaryArray = split(OutputList(rowindex-1),comma_delimiter,-1, vbbinarycompare)
For ColumnIndex = lbound(OutputTable,2) to (ubound(OutputTable,2)-1)
OutputTable(RowIndex,ColumnIndex) = TemporaryArray(ColumnIndex-1)
Next ColumnIndex
OutputTable(RowIndex,ColumnIndex) = OutputCounts(RowIndex-1)
Next RowIndex
Dim OutputSheet as worksheet
Set OutputSheet = Thisworkbook.worksheets.add
OutputSheet.range("A1").resize(ubound(OutputTable,1),ubound(OutputTable,2)).value2 = OutputTable
Msgbox("No file found at " & PathToCSV)
End if
End sub