实体框架4 CTP 5 POCO - 在查找表中插入多行?

时间:2011-01-28 17:07:44

标签: entity-framework-4 insert poco

如何在没有收到此错误的情况下向EF的查找表中插入多行:New transaction is not allowed because there are other threads running in the session

我有一个PostTags查找表,其中我的许多标签可以来自帖子,这是我目前拥有的更新方法,错误似乎来自我插入标签的foreach循环(I我在这篇文章中使用了工作单元,poco,ef 4 cpt5存储库模式 - Entity Framework 4 CTP 4 / CTP 5 Generic Repository Pattern and Unit Testable):

if (ModelState.IsValid)
    post.FriendlyUrl = Utils.ToFriendlyUrl(post.PostedDate.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "/" + Utils.RemoveAccents(post.Title));
    var tags = post.TagsString.TrimEnd(' ', ',').Split(',').ToList();

    var updatePost = Mapper.Map<PostModel, Post>(post);

    var postTags = new List<int>();
    foreach (var tag in tags)


    // Remove all existing tags associated with this post

    // Insert to the PostTagLookup table the new Tags that associates with this Post
    foreach (var tagId in postTags)
        var newPostTag = new PostTagLookup { PostId = updatePost.Id, TagId = tagId };


1 个答案:

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嘿Saxman - 我还没有看过你的模型,但是使用EF你不需要担心查找表,EF会为你做映射!


var post = new post();
post.Tags.Add(new Tag());

var post = new post();
var tags = new List<Tag>{new Tag {Post = post}, new Tag {Post = post}};

var post = new post();
var tags = GetTagList();
foreach(var tag in tags) {
