深层链接基本URL - 错误:无法转换

时间:2018-01-15 18:42:08

标签: android genexus genexus-sd

我在Genexus中实现深层链接时遇到了麻烦。 我在.NET中使用U8版本的Genexus 15,在线应用程序和一些在线对象。


'========== Build lasttime started ==========
========== Copying Module 'GeneXus' started ==========
Copying Module 'GeneXus' Success
========== Integrated Security Initialization started ==========
Integrated Security Initialization Success
========== GAM Applications Registration started ==========
No new applications for registration.
GAM Applications Registration Success
Processing lasttime
========== Target Environment update started ==========
Target Environment update Success
Building changed objects list
========== Specification started ==========
 Specifying lasttime_Level_Detail_Grid1 ...
warning spc0038: There is no index for order (eventoData); poor performance may be noticed in grid Grid1. (Panel for Smart Devices 'lasttime', Details)
Generating Resources...Processing inferred calls...
========== Default (C# Web) Generation started ==========
Specification Success
Generating Resources...Success
Generating to NET\web\lasttime_level_detail_grid1.cs
Generating to NET\web\lasttime_level_detail_grid1.svc
Generating to NET\web\gxrowlevelcache.cs
Generating to NET\web\gxcfg.js
Generating to NET\web\GXCFG.WEB
Generating to NET\web\client.exe.config
Generating to NET\web\WCFClient.config
Generating to NET\web\gxmetadata\gxversion.json
Generating to NET\web\bldDevelopermenu.cs
Generating to NET\web\bldlasttime.cs
Generating to NET\web\runsets.ini
Generating to NET\web\genexus.programs.common.rsp
Generating to NET\web\exe.bld
Generating to NET\web\winexe.bld
Generating to NET\web\library.bld
Generating to NET\web\bld15.info
Default (C# Web) Generation Success
Compressing static files...Success
========== SmartDevices (Smart Devices) Generation started ==========
Generating metadata files...
Writing metadata for lasttime (android)
Applying Root Project
Applying Bootstrapping for:lasttime
Generating Android theme styles...
error: Não é possível converter um objeto do tipo Artech.Genexus.Common.CustomTypes.FileType no tipo System.String.
SmartDevices (Smart Devices) Generation Failed
Build lasttime Failed'



'Timestamp: 17/01/2018 23:47:23
Message: HandlingInstanceID: ca46dd55-a9d6-4400-b571-826b0b8e6628
An exception of type Artech.Common.Diagnostics.GxException occurred and was caught.
01/17/2018 23:47:23
Type : Artech.Common.Diagnostics.GxException, Artech.Common, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=6f5bf81c27b6b8aa
Message : Não é possível converter um objeto do tipo Artech.Genexus.Common.CustomTypes.FileType no tipo System.String.
Source : 
Help link : 
Exception Data
Product : GeneXus 15
Version : 15.0.119728 U8
Exception.Severity : Warning
TargetSite : 
HResult : -2146232832
Stack Trace : The stack trace is unavailable.
Additional Info:

MachineName : GABRIEL-HP
TimeStamp : 18/01/2018 01:47:23
FullName : Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.ExceptionHandling, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=79a65ef946496ecc
AppDomainName : GeneXus.exe
ThreadIdentity : GABRIEL-HP\Gabriel Mariano
WindowsIdentity : GABRIEL-HP\Gabriel Mariano
    Inner Exception
    Type : System.InvalidCastException, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
    Message : Não é possível converter um objeto do tipo Artech.Genexus.Common.CustomTypes.FileType no tipo System.String.
    Source : Artech.Common.Properties
    Help link : 
    TargetSite : T GetPropertyValue[T](System.String)
    HResult : -2147467262
    Stack Trace :    at Artech.Common.Properties.PropertiesObject.GetPropertyValue[T](String propName)
       at Artech.Generator.SmartDevices.CustomGenerators.AndroidCreateAssetLinks.KSDsdhn36l()
       at Artech.Generator.SmartDevices.CustomGenerators.AndroidCreateAssetLinks.Generate(Object data, IDictionary`2 context)
       at Artech.Generators.GeneratorEngine.<>c__DisplayClass29_0.<RunInstanceSpecificGenerators>b__0(FilterAndGenerator gen)
       at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.TrueForAll(Predicate`1 match)
       at Artech.Generators.GeneratorInstance.ApplyStrategies(GeneratorApply[] strategies, IDictionary`2 context)
       at Artech.Generators.GeneratorEngine.ApplyStrategies(String target, IObjectListCommand data, IDictionary`2 context)

Category: Default Category
Priority: 0
EventId: 100
Severity: Warning
Title:Genexus Application Exception
Application Domain: GeneXus.exe
Process Id: 5836
Process Name: C:\Program Files (x86)\GeneXus\GeneXus15\GeneXus.exe
Win32 Thread Id: 11504
Thread Name: InProcessDaemon-26
Extended Properties: AdvancedInformation.Product - GeneXus 15
AdvancedInformation.Version - 15.0.119728 U8
Exception.Severity - Warning'

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

这是GeneXus中的错误,ref.: SAC 42801。它已经修复了。 Fix将首先在GeneXus Tero Beta Channel(版本120455或更高版本)中提供,然后在GeneXus Preview Channel中提供。感谢您的举报!