
时间:2018-01-14 21:18:36

标签: scala covariance implicit

下面的代码引发了一个隐含的未找到错误,-Xlog-implicits sbt选项解释为歧义,我在最后粘贴:

import scala.language.higherKinds

trait JsonOFormat[T]
trait BsonOFormat[T]

trait Codec[CTXO[_]]

implicit def jsonCodec: Codec[JsonOFormat] = new Codec[JsonOFormat] {}
implicit def bsonCodec: Codec[BsonOFormat] = new Codec[BsonOFormat] {}

trait CApply[T,N,+CTXO[_]] {
  def apply(t: T): CTXO[N] = ???
object CApply {
  class CApplyBuilder[CTXO[_]] {
    def instance[T,N](implicit cApply: CApply[T,N, CTXO]) = new CApply[T,N,CTXO] {}
  def ctx[CTXO[_]]: CApplyBuilder[CTXO] = new CApplyBuilder[CTXO]

  implicit def default[T,N,CTXO[_]](implicit hc: Codec[CTXO]): CApply[T, N, CTXO] = new CApply[T,N,CTXO] {}


//Information:(23, 34) A$A261.this.CApply.default is not a valid implicit 
//value for A$A261.this.CApply[String,Int,A$A261.this.JsonOFormat] because:
//hasMatchingSymbol reported error: ambiguous implicit values:
 //both method bsonCodec in class A$A261 of type => A$A261.this.Codec[A$A261.this.BsonOFormat]
 //and method jsonCodec in class A$A261 of type => A$A261.this.Codec[A$A261.this.JsonOFormat]
 //match expected type A$A261.this.Codec[CTXO]



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