org.objenesis.ObjenesisException: java.io.NotSerializableException: class sample.data.redis.model.Student not serializable
at org.objenesis.strategy.SerializingInstantiatorStrategy.newInstantiatorOf(SerializingInstantiatorStrategy.java:58)
at com.esotericsoftware.kryo.Kryo.newInstantiator(Kryo.java:1127)
at com.esotericsoftware.kryo.Kryo.newInstance(Kryo.java:1136)
public class KryoRedisSerializer implements RedisSerializer<Object>{
private final ThreadLocal<Kryo> kryoThreadLocal = new ThreadLocal<Kryo>() {
protected Kryo initialValue() {
Kryo kryo = new Kryo();
return kryo;
public KryoRedisSerializer() {
kryoThreadLocal.get().setInstantiatorStrategy((InstantiatorStrategy) new SerializingInstantiatorStrategy());
public byte[] serialize(Object object) throws SerializationException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
if (object == null) {
return new byte[0];
try (ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream()) {
Output output = new Output(outputStream);
kryoThreadLocal.get().writeClassAndObject(output, object);
return output.toBytes();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new SerializationException("Failed Serialization", e);
public Object deserialize(byte[] bytes) throws SerializationException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
if (bytes == null || bytes.length == 0) {
return null;
try (Input input = new Input(bytes)) {
return kryoThreadLocal.get().readClassAndObject(input);
public class SpringRadisConfig {
public JedisConnectionFactory connectionFactory() {
JedisConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new JedisConnectionFactory();
return connectionFactory;
public RedisTemplate<String, Object> redisTemplate() {
RedisTemplate<String, Object> redisTemplate = new RedisTemplate<>();
redisTemplate.setKeySerializer(new StringRedisSerializer());
redisTemplate.setHashKeySerializer(new StringRedisSerializer());
redisTemplate.setHashValueSerializer(new JdkSerializationRedisSerializer());
return redisTemplate;
public RedisSerializer<Object> kryoRedisSSerializer() {
return new KryoRedisSSerializer();
@ComponentScan(basePackages = "sample.data.redis")
public class SampleRedisApplication implements CommandLineRunner {
private StringRedisTemplate template;
private SpringRadisConfig redisConfig;
public void run(String... args) throws Exception {/*
ValueOperations<String, String> ops = this.template.opsForValue();
String key = "spring.boot.redis.test";
if (!this.template.hasKey(key)) {
ops.set(key, "Hi Ratheesh ");
System.out.println("Found key " + key + ", value=" + ops.get(key));*/
RedisTemplate<String, Object> redisTemplate = redisConfig.redisTemplate();
ValueOperations<String, Object> values = redisTemplate.opsForValue();
try {
Student student = new Student(1L, "Vishal");
values.set("student", student);
Student std = (Student) values.get("student");
} catch(Exception e) {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// Close the context so it doesn't stay awake listening for redis
SpringApplication.run(SampleRedisApplication.class, args).close();
假设student是我从远程API获取的响应对象,实际上我的API响应应用程序上没有任何模型对象定义(POJO),因为我的API响应类型是(Type T)即动态节点
答案 0 :(得分:0)
用于cachable / cachPut / cacheEvict注释类型实现的CacheManager配置
public class RedissonCacheConfiguration {
* Property holder for holding the Redis cache configuration properties like
* <code>Host, Port, Session Duration</code>, etc.
* <p>
* Bean with name <code>redisCacheConfigProperties</code> should be populated with these
* configuration properties and then loaded in the application context.
private RedissonConfigProperties redisCacheConfigProperties;
* Sets the Redis cache configuration properties.
* @param redisCacheConfigProperties Property holder for holding the Redis cache configuration
* properties.
public void setRedissonConfigProperties(
final RedissonConfigProperties redisCacheConfigProperties) {
this.redisCacheConfigProperties = redisCacheConfigProperties;
public CacheManager cacheManager() {
CacheManager cacheManager = new RedissonSpringCacheManager(redissonClient(), getCacheConfigs());
return cacheManager;
public Map<String, CacheConfig> getCacheConfigs(){
Map<String, CacheConfig> config = new HashMap<String, CacheConfig>();
// ttl = 24 mins, maxIdleTime = 12 mins
config.put("testCache", new CacheConfig(24*60*1000, 12*60*1000));
return config;
public RedissonClient redissonClient() {
Config config = new Config();
SingleServerConfig singleServerConfig = config.useSingleServer();
// format as redis:// or rediss:// for SSL
String schema = redisCacheConfigProperties.isSsl() ? "rediss://" : "";
singleServerConfig.setAddress(schema + redisCacheConfigProperties.getHost() + ":" + redisCacheConfigProperties.getPort());
if (redisCacheConfigProperties.getPassword() != null) {
return Redisson.create(config);
@Cacheable(cacheNames = "#cacheProperies.cacheName", key = "#cacheProperies.cacheKey", unless = "#result==null")
public Object fetchData( final CacheProperties cacheProperies) {
// If there is no cached data by the given key, then we will return NULL.
return doTheOperation();
@CacheEvict(cacheNames = "#cacheProperies.cacheName", key = "#cacheProperies.cacheKey")
public void removeData(final CacheProperties cacheProperies) {
// Deletes the Cached CartInfo.
@CachePut(cacheNames = "#cacheProperies.cacheName", key = "#cacheProperies.cacheKey", unless = "#result==null")
public Object cacheData(final Object object, final CacheProperties cacheProperies ) {
// Returns the same object which is received as parameter,
// so that this object will be cached by key '... reference'.
return doTheOperation();