
时间:2018-01-12 20:06:38

标签: python algorithm sorting optimization multiprocessing

现在,在pancake sorting中找到最短的翻转序列是NP难的,但我想找到它们中的每一个,并计算它们。



#!/bin/env python3
# coding: utf-8

from math import factorial
import itertools

from multiprocessing import cpu_count, Manager, Pool

import numpy
import scipy.sparse

def flip(x, value):
    return tuple(value[:x][::-1] + value[x:])

def rank(perm):
    n = len(perm)
    fact = factorial(n)
    r = 0
    for i in range(n):
        fact //= n - i
        r += len([x for x in perm[i:] if x < perm[i]]) * fact
    return r

def unrank(i, items):
    its = items[:]
    perm = []
    n = len(items)
    fact = factorial(n)
    r = i % fact
    while its:
        fact //= n
        c, r = divmod(r, fact)
        n -= 1
    return tuple(perm)

def get_colex_row(r, n, _fact):
    row = scipy.sparse.dok_matrix((
        1, _fact[n - 1]), dtype=numpy.int8)
    perm = unrank(r, [i for i in range(n)])
    for i in range(n):
        column = r - r % _fact[i] + rank(perm[:-i - 2:-1])
        row[0, column] = i + 1
    return row

def get_colex_matrix(n):
    fact = [factorial(i) for i in range(1, n + 1)]
    m = scipy.sparse.dok_matrix(
            (fact[n - 1], fact[n - 1]), dtype=numpy.int8)
    items = [_ for _ in range(1, n + 1)]

    for r in range(fact[n - 1]):
        row = get_colex_row(r, n, fact)
        m[r] = row
    return m

def get_distance(n, items):
    nfact = factorial(n)
    stack = {unrank(i, items) for i in range(nfact)}
    m = get_colex_matrix(n)
    distance = {unrank(nfact - 1, items)[::-1] : 0}
    new_distance = {nfact - 1}
    d = 0
    while distance.keys() != stack:
        new_new_distance = set()
        d += 1
        for visiting in new_distance:
            for i in range(2, n + 1):
                key_index = m[visiting].tolist().index(i)
                key = unrank(key_index, items)[::-1]
                if key not in distance:
                    distance[key] = d
        new_distance = new_new_distance
    return distance

def get_paths_serial(items):
    n = len(items)
    nfact = factorial(n)
    stack = {unrank(i, items) for i in range(nfact)}
    m = get_colex_matrix(n)
    distance = {unrank(nfact - 1, items)[::-1]: {()}}
    new_distance = {nfact - 1}
    while distance.keys() != stack:
        new_new_distance = set()
        for visiting_index in new_distance:
            for i in range(2, n + 1):
                key_index = m[visiting_index].tolist().index(i)
                key = unrank(key_index, items)[::-1]
                visiting = unrank(visiting_index, items)[::-1]
                paths = distance[visiting]

                prev_sample = next(iter(paths))

                if key not in distance:
                    distance[key] = {path + (i,) for path in paths}
                    curr_sample = next(iter(distance[key]))
                    if len(prev_sample) + 1 < len(curr_sample):
                        print("Shouldn't happen!")
                        distance[key] = {path + (i,) for path in paths}
                    elif len(prev_sample) + 1 == len(curr_sample):
                        distance[key] |= {path + (i,) for path in paths}
                        # not relevant
        new_distance = new_new_distance
    return distance

def _worker(ns, index):
    row = get_colex_row(index, ns.n, ns.fact).toarray().tolist()[0]
    visiting = unrank(index, ns.items)[::-1]
    paths = ns.distance[visiting]
    prev_sample = next(iter(paths))
    out = {}
    my_new_distance = set()
    for i in range(2, ns.n + 1):
        key_index = row.index(i)
        key = unrank(key_index, ns.items)[::-1]
        if key not in ns.distance:
            out[key] = {path + (i,) for path in paths}
            curr_sample = next(iter(ns.distance[key]))
            if len(prev_sample) + 1 < len(curr_sample):
                print("Shouldn't happen!")
                out[key] = {path + (i,) for path in paths}
            elif len(prev_sample) + 1 == len(curr_sample):
                out[key].update(path + (i,) for path in paths)
    return my_new_distance, out

def get_paths_parallel(items):
    n = len(items)
    fact = [factorial(i) for i in range(1, n + 1)]
    distance = {unrank(fact[n - 1] - 1, items)[::-1]: {()}}
    stack = {unrank(i, items) for i in range(fact[n - 1])}
    already_visited = set()
    visiting = {fact[n - 1] - 1}
    mgr = Manager()

    namespace = mgr.Namespace()

    namespace.fact = fact
    namespace.distance = distance
    namespace.items = items
    namespace.n = n

    with Pool(2 * cpu_count()) as pool:
        while distance.keys() != stack:
            result = pool.starmap(_worker, ((namespace, job)
                    for job in visiting))

            visiting = set()
            for next_to_visit, visited in result:
                visiting |= next_to_visit
                for k, v in visited.items():
                    if k in distance:
                        distance[k] |= v
                        distance[k] = v
            visiting -= already_visited
            already_visited |= visiting
            namespace.distance = distance
    return distance

def colex(value, other):
    for i in range(len(value) - 1, 0, -1):
        if value[i] == other[i]:
        return value[i] > other[i]
    return False

def ordered_by(order_cmp):
    'Convert a cmp= function into a key= function'
    if order_cmp is None:
        return None

    class K(object):
        def __init__(self, obj):
            self.value = obj
        def __gt__(self, other):
            if len(self.value) != len(other.value):
                assert "Not the same length"
            return order_cmp(self.value, other.value)
    return K

def get_ordered(n, order):
    return sorted(itertools.permutations(range(1, n + 1)),

def get_matrix(n, order=None):
    stack = get_ordered(n, order)
    m = numpy.zeros((len(stack), len(stack)), numpy.int8)
    for i,s in enumerate(stack):
         for x in range(1, n + 1):
             m[i, stack.index(flip(x, s))] = x
    return m




它使用共同词典排序来对排列进行排名并在邻接矩阵中找到索引。在那里我存储了转换排列的翻转长度,例如, A i,j )= k 如果在排名为 k 长度前缀反转> i 产生排名 j 排列。为了节省内存而不是存储整个矩阵,我按需生成行,并通过排除已访问过的行来限制访问权限,我也使用scipy.sparse.dok_matrix出于同样的原因。



我以一种有点复杂的方式创建了key功能,但这仅仅是因为我已经尝试过其他排序,然而我才决定使用co-lex 。

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