我目前无法正确输出我的程序。 currentNode指针是空的,我不确定如何让它不为空。这个程序处理链接列表,我尝试使用getter无效(我尝试时出现分段错误)。该程序应该采用州立公园,将它们插入链表,从州立公园搜索相关数据,并将摘要输出到文件。我得到的只是文件中的输出语句,没有数据应该在哪里。以下是该计划的所有相关代码:
#include <string>
#include <cstddef>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
struct ParksNode;
typedef ParksNode* ParksPtr;
struct ParksNode
string parkName;
string parkLocation;
string parkOpeningYear;
string parkDescription;
int noTimesReferenced;
ParksPtr parkLink;
class Parks
void Delete(string pName);
int GetLength() const;
ParksNode GetNextPark();
bool HasNext() const;
void Insert(string& pName, string& pLocation, string& pOpeningYear,
string& pDescription, int& numberTimesReferenced);
bool IsEmpty() const;
bool IsFull() const;
bool IsThere(string pName) const;
ParksNode* parkDataPtr; //Points to the first node in the list
int length;
ParksNode* parkCurrentPos; //Points to the current position in the list
ParksNode* parkLastPtr; //Point to the last node in the list
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstring>
#include "parkLL.h"
using namespace std;
//The parkDataPtr will be set to NULL
parkDataPtr = NULL;
parkCurrentPos = parkDataPtr;
length = 0;
//The destructor for the Parks Linked List class
ParksPtr parkTempPtr;
ParksPtr parkCurrPtr = parkDataPtr;
while(parkCurrPtr != NULL)
parkTempPtr = parkCurrPtr;
parkCurrPtr = parkCurrPtr->parkLink;
delete parkTempPtr;
void Parks::Delete(string pName)
//The delete method for the Parks Linked List class
ParksPtr parkPrevPtr = NULL; //The trailing pointer for the list
ParksPtr parkCurrPtr = parkDataPtr; //The loop control pointer
while(parkCurrPtr != NULL && parkCurrPtr->parkName != pName &&
parkCurrPtr->parkName < pName)
parkPrevPtr = parkCurrPtr;
parkCurrPtr = parkCurrPtr->parkLink;
if(parkCurrPtr != NULL && parkCurrPtr->parkName == pName) //the item has
been found
if(parkCurrPtr == parkDataPtr)
parkDataPtr = parkCurrPtr->parkLink;
parkPrevPtr->parkLink = parkCurrPtr->parkLink;
if(parkCurrPtr == parkLastPtr)
parkLastPtr = parkPrevPtr;
delete parkCurrPtr;
int Parks::GetLength() const
//Returns the length of the current list
ParksNode Parks::GetNextPark()
//Gets the next park in the linked list
ParksNode currentPark;
currentPark.parkName = parkCurrentPos->parkName;
currentPark.parkLocation = parkCurrentPos->parkLocation;
currentPark.parkOpeningYear = parkCurrentPos->parkOpeningYear;
currentPark.parkDescription = parkCurrentPos->parkDescription;
currentPark.noTimesReferenced = parkCurrentPos->noTimesReferenced;
parkCurrentPos = parkCurrentPos->parkLink;
bool Parks::HasNext() const
//Checks to see if there is another park in the list
void Parks::Insert(string& pName, string& pLocation, string& pOpeningYear,
string& pDescription, int& numberTimesReferenced)
//The insert method for the Parks Linked List class
ParksPtr parkCurrPtr; //moving pointer
ParksPtr parkPrevPtr; //trailing pointer
ParksPtr parkNewNodePtr; //pointer to a new node
parkNewNodePtr = new ParksNode;
parkNewNodePtr->parkName = pName;
parkNewNodePtr->parkLocation = pLocation;
parkNewNodePtr->parkOpeningYear = pOpeningYear;
parkNewNodePtr->parkDescription = pDescription;
parkNewNodePtr->noTimesReferenced = numberTimesReferenced;
parkCurrPtr = parkDataPtr;
parkPrevPtr = NULL;
while(parkCurrPtr != NULL && parkCurrPtr->parkName < pName)
parkPrevPtr = parkCurrPtr;
parkCurrPtr = parkCurrPtr->parkLink;
//Inserting the new node
parkNewNodePtr->parkLink = parkCurrPtr;
if(parkPrevPtr == NULL)
parkDataPtr = parkNewNodePtr;
parkPrevPtr->parkLink = parkNewNodePtr;
if(parkCurrPtr == NULL)
parkLastPtr = parkNewNodePtr;
bool Parks::IsEmpty() const
//Checks to see if the list is empty
return(parkDataPtr == NULL);
bool Parks::IsFull() const
//Checks to see if the list is full, will always return false because this
is a linked list
bool Parks::IsThere(string pName) const
//Checks to see if an item is in the linked list
ParksPtr parkCurrPtr = parkDataPtr; //Loop control pointer
while(parkCurrPtr != NULL && parkCurrPtr->parkName != pName)
parkCurrPtr = parkCurrPtr->parkLink;
if(parkCurrPtr != NULL)
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstddef>
#include "parkLL.h"
void CloseFiles(ifstream& parkDataFile, ifstream& parkLookupFile, ofstream&
//This function closes all data files
void OpenFiles(string& parkDataFileName, string& parkLookupFileName, string&
parkOutputFileName, ifstream& parkDataFile, ifstream& parkLookupFile,
ofstream& parkOutputFile);
//This function opens all data files
int main()
string parkDataFileName; //The variable for the data file for park info
string parkLookupFileName; //The variable for the lookup file name
string parkOutputFileName; //The variable for the output file name
ifstream parkDataFile; //The variable for the park data input file
ifstream parkLookupFile; //The variable for the park lookup file
ofstream parkOutputFile; //The variable for the park output file
string parkName2; //The variable for the park name
string parkLocation2; //The variable for the park location
string parkOpeningYear2; //The variable for the park opening year
string parkDescription2; //The variable for the park description
int noTimesReferenced2; //The variable for the number of times
string lookupChoice; //The variable for the information to look up
string option; //The variable for the option of data output
Parks currentPark; //The variable for the current park
ParksPtr currentNode; //The variable for the current node
cout << "Please enter the data file name: ";
cin >> parkDataFileName;
cout << "Please enter the lookup file name: ";
cin >> parkLookupFileName;
cout << "Please enter the output file name: ";
cin >> parkOutputFileName;
OpenFiles(parkDataFileName, parkLookupFileName, parkOutputFileName,
parkDataFile, parkLookupFile, parkOutputFile);
getline(parkDataFile, parkName2, '#'); //priming read for while loop
while (parkDataFile)
getline(parkDataFile, parkLocation2, '#');
getline(parkDataFile, parkOpeningYear2, '#');
getline(parkDataFile, parkDescription2);
noTimesReferenced2 = 0;
currentPark.Insert(parkName2, parkLocation2, parkOpeningYear2,
parkDescription2, noTimesReferenced2);
getline(parkDataFile, parkName2, '#');
cout << endl;
cout << "Outputting the info to file" << endl;
getline(parkLookupFile, parkName2, '#');
getline(parkLookupFile, lookupChoice);
currentNode = new ParksNode;
if (lookupChoice == "Year")
parkOutputFile << currentNode->parkName << " established in
" << currentNode->parkOpeningYear << endl;
currentNode->noTimesReferenced = currentNode-
>noTimesReferenced + 1;
else if (lookupChoice == "Description")
parkOutputFile << currentNode->parkName << " is " <<
currentNode->parkDescription << endl;
currentNode->noTimesReferenced = currentNode-
>noTimesReferenced + 1;
else if (lookupChoice == "Location")
parkOutputFile << currentNode->parkName << " located near "
<< currentNode->parkLocation << endl;
currentNode->noTimesReferenced = currentNode-
>noTimesReferenced + 1;
else if (lookupChoice == "Remove")
parkOutputFile << "** " << parkName2 << " is not an available
state park" << endl;
getline(parkLookupFile, parkName2, '#');
getline(parkLookupFile, lookupChoice);
delete currentNode;
parkOutputFile << "Summary (state park/ reference frequency)" << endl;
parkOutputFile << currentNode->parkName << " " << currentNode-
CloseFiles(parkDataFile, parkLookupFile, parkOutputFile);
void CloseFiles(ifstream& parkDataFile, ifstream& parkLookupFile, ofstream&
void OpenFiles(string& parkDataFileName, string& parkLookupFileName, string&
parkOutputFileName, ifstream& parkDataFile, ifstream& parkLookupFile,
ofstream& parkOutputFile)