window.onload = rollover;
function rollover()
var images = document.getElementsByTagName("img"); // Get all the images in the document
var roll = new RegExp("roll");
var preload = [];
var fileLoc = "images/rollovers/";
for ( var i=0; i<images.length; i++)
if (images[i].id.match(roll)) // Loop through all the images in document and look for match on 'roll'
preload[i] = new Image();
preload[i].src = fileLoc + images[i].id + "_over.gif"; // Preload the _overs into an array.
images[i].onmouseover = function() // Add a mouseover event to image
this.src = fileLoc + this.id + "_over.gif"; // When rolled over, this file now equals the _over image
var currentButton = this.id; // Grab the id of the current image
var imageHeader = document.getElementById("current_title"); //Grab all images that are titled 'current_title'
var newHeaderImage = new Image();
newHeaderImage.src = fileLoc + currentButton + "_header.gif"; // Create new image and store _Header image inside
newHeaderImage.id = currentButton + "_header"; //New id for new image is file + headerId
imageHeader.src = newHeaderImage.src;
imageHeader.height = newHeaderImage.height; // Assign header image id to currect location
imageHeader.width = newHeaderImage.width;
imageHeader.style.visibility = "visible";
imageHeader.onmouseover = function() // Attach mouse event for header image
var imageText = document.getElementById("button_text");
var newTextImage = new Image();
newTextImage.src = fileLoc + currentButton + "_text.gif";
imageText.src = newTextImage.src;
imageText.height = newTextImage.height;
imageText.width = newTextImage.width;
imageText.style.visibility = "visible";
//images[i].onmouseout = setTimeout(mouseOut(fileLoc, this.id),3000);
/*function mouseOut(fileLoc, curButton)
var titleImg = document.getElementById("current_title");
var imgButton = curButton;
this.src = fileLoc + imgButton + "_org.gif";
titleImg.style.visibility = "hidden";
} * /
答案 0 :(得分:4)
好的,咬着子弹,让我们看看这是如何导致我的代表: - )。
答案 1 :(得分:0)
好的,这是一个不使用库的脚本(至少在ie和firefox中) 使用库显然会使这段代码更加简洁。
window.onload = createRollover;
function createRollover() {
var button;
var imgPath = 'img/';
var container = document.getElementById( 'ro_container' );
var buttonContainer = document.getElementById( 'ro_buttons' );
var headerContainer = document.getElementById( 'ro_header' );
var textContainer = document.getElementById( 'ro_text' );
var buttons = buttonContainer.getElementsByTagName( 'img' );
container.onmouseout = rollOut;
// set up the element hierarchy
for( var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++ ) {
button = buttons[i];
button.onmouseover = buttonRollover;
button.up = document.createElement( 'img' );
button.up.src = imgPath+button.id+'.gif';
button.over = document.createElement( 'img' );
button.over.src = imgPath+button.id+'_over.gif';
button.header = document.createElement( 'img' );
button.header.src = imgPath+button.id+'_header.gif';
button.header.onmouseover = headerRollover;
button.header.text = document.createElement( 'img' );
button.header.text.src = imgPath+button.id+'_text.gif';
function buttonRollover() {
//do nothing if this button is already active
if( this.src == this.over.src ) return;
//reset all the buttons and set this one to over
for( var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++ ) {
buttons[i].src = buttons[i].up.src;
this.src = this.over.src;
//see what's in the header div and do the header thing
var h = headerContainer.getElementsByTagName( 'img' );
if( h.length > 0 ) {
headerContainer.replaceChild( this.header, h[0] );
} else {
headerContainer.appendChild( this.header );
//clear the text div
textContainer.innerHTML = '';
function headerRollover() {
//see what's in the text div and do the thing
var t = textContainer.getElementsByTagName( 'img' );
if( t.length > 0 ) {
textContainer.replaceChild( this.text, t[0] );
} else {
textContainer.appendChild( this.text );
function rollOut( e ) {
//mouseouts take a bit of work
//that's one of the reasons why we like libraries
e = e || window.event;
var onto = e.relatedTarget || e.toElement;
// we'll cancel this event if we've rolled on to an element
// that is a child of this one.
// traverse up the tree looking for 'this' or the document
while( onto != this && onto != document ) {
onto = onto.parentNode;
if( onto == this ) {
//false alarm, it was a child of 'this'
// reset
for( var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++ ) {
buttons[i].src = buttons[i].up.src;
headerContainer.innerHTML = '';
textContainer.innerHTML = '';
<div id="ro_container">
<div id="ro_buttons">
<img src="img/but1.gif" id="but1"/>
<img src="img/but2.gif" id="but2"/>
<img src="img/but3.gif" id="but3"/>
<div id="ro_header"></div>
<div id="ro_text"></div>
but1.gif, but1_over.gif, but1_header.gif, but1_text.gif