
时间:2018-01-10 13:37:03

标签: python python-2.7 matplotlib


我正在尝试模拟2D ising模型。模拟由nxn矩阵组成,矩阵的每个元素的值为1或-1,根据代码中概述的条件进行翻转。我想制作一个移动的图形,它基本上为每次迭代产生不同的图像。但我的身影不会出现。我使用一个相同的方法(fig.canvas.draw())到我之前运行的代码没有问题。


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import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

#initialised values 

T = 1.0
N = 5
sweeps = 5

nx = N
ny = N #size of the NxN matrix

#Ising code

class Ising:
    """creating the ising model in this class"""
    #creating a function which creates an initial matrix with randomly orientated spins of 1 and -1    
    def __init__(self, nx, ny, random=False):
        self._lattice = np.random.choice(np.array([-1,1]),size=(N,N))

#creating a function which flips the spin of the individual lattice points        
    def flipspin(self, x, y):
        self._lattice[x,y] *= -1  # simplified the flipping

    def __getitem__(self, key):  # added a special method to be able to do the lattice[(i,j)] lookup
        x, y = key
        return self._lattice[x, y]

    def __str__(self):  # just for debugging purposes
        return str(self._lattice)

    def nearestneighbours(self, N, x, y):  # this was fine, you're doign the sum here already
       return self._lattice[(x - 1) % N, y] + self._lattice[(x + 1) % N, y] + \
           self._lattice[x, (y - 1) % N] + self._lattice[x, (y + 1) % N]

    def show(self):  # using a method to show graphically your 2D matrix
        fig = plt.figure()    
        image = plt.imshow(self._lattice)

def Hamiltonianenergy(lattice, x ,y):  # cleaned up to be able to call it without problems
    return 2 * lattice[(x, y)] *  lattice.nearestneighbours(N, x, y)

def metropolis(temperature,eps=1):
    J = 1    
    t = 0
    switch = 0
    energies = 0
    energycount = []
    res = []

    #evaluate inverse temperature
    beta = 1/temperature
    #construct ising lattice
    lattice = Ising(nx,ny,random=True)

    #accept or reject according to metropolis function
    for t in range(sweeps):    
        i = np.random.randint(N) #randomly selecting an individual lattice point
        j = np.random.randint(N) 
        dH = Hamiltonianenergy(lattice, i,  j)  # here should be the problem, you have to make the difference of energies before and after the flip!

        if (dH > 0):
            boltzmann = np.exp(-1*beta*dH)
            randNum = np.random.uniform()
            result = True
            if boltzmann <= randNum:
                lattice.flipspin(i, j)  # you where not calling the method properly
                result = False
            boltzmann = 1
            randNum = 1
            result = True

        # some console output
        print(t, i, j, result)
        print("dh: ", dH)

        t +=1


metropolis(1000)  # running the metropolis function when executing the file