#include "test.h"
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
#define LEFT_TOP 0
#define LEFT_DOWN 1
#define MIDDLE 2
#define RIGHT_TOP 3
#define rIGHT_DOWN 4
//watermark position offset
#define off_ratio 40
//the ratio of watermark and the source image
#define length_ratio 6
int main_test(int argc , char * argv[])
//Read from alpha channel ,Transparent
Mat img_src = imread(argv[1], CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED);
cout << (int)img_src.at<Vec4b>(0,0)[0] << endl
<< (int)img_src.at<Vec4b>(0,0)[1] << endl
<< (int)img_src.at<Vec4b>(0,0)[2] << endl
<< (int)img_src.at<Vec4b>(0,0)[3] << endl;
cout << (int)img_src.at<Vec4b>(10,10)[0] << endl
<< (int)img_src.at<Vec4b>(10,10)[1] << endl
<< (int)img_src.at<Vec4b>(10,10)[2] << endl
<< (int)img_src.at<Vec4b>(10,10)[3] << endl;
return 0;
int add_watermask(Mat & img_roi, Mat img_water_mask, float scale_ratio)
//Split the channel
split(img_roi, src_channels);
split(img_water_mask, watermark_channels);
if (scale_ratio < 1)
watermark_channels[3] *= scale_ratio;
scale_ratio = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
//dstt_channels[i] = dstt_channels[i].mul(255.0 / scale - scr_channels[3], scale / 255.0);
//dstt_channels[i] += scr_channels[i].mul(scr_channels[3], scale / 255.0);
src_channels[i] = src_channels[i].mul(255.0 / scale_ratio - watermark_channels[3], scale_ratio / 255.0);
src_channels[i] += watermark_channels[i].mul(watermark_channels[3], scale_ratio / 255.0);
merge(src_channels, img_roi);
return 0;
//Calculate the watermark position in the source image
int process_pose(Mat & src, Mat & water, Mat & roi, Mat & water_resize, int pose)
int width_src = src.cols;
int height_src = src.rows;
int width_water = water.cols;
int height_water = water.rows;
int max_length_src = max(width_src, height_src);
//5% offset of the image length
int off = max_length_src / off_ratio;
//Watermark length is 1/6 of the source image
int length_1_6 = max_length_src / length_ratio;
int scale_width_water = length_1_6;
int scale_height_water = length_1_6 * height_water / width_water;
//if the source image width larger than height,then keep the scale of watermark's height and source image' height
if(width_src > height_src) {
if ((off * 2 + scale_height_water) > height_src) {
off = height_src / off_ratio;
scale_height_water = height_src / length_ratio;
scale_width_water = scale_height_water * width_water / height_water;
//if the source image height larger than width,then keep the scale of watermark's width and source image' width
if((off * 2 + scale_width_water) > width_src)
off = width_src / off_ratio;
scale_width_water = width_src / length_ratio;
scale_height_water = scale_width_water * height_water / width_water;
int ret = 0 ;
Rect pose_water = {0,0,0,0};
pose_water.width = scale_width_water;
pose_water.height = scale_height_water;
case 0:
pose_water.x = off;
pose_water.y = off;
case 1:
pose_water.x = off;
pose_water.y = height_src - off - scale_height_water;
case 2:
pose_water.x = (width_src - scale_width_water)/2;
pose_water.y = (height_src - scale_height_water)/2;
case 3:
pose_water.x = width_src - scale_width_water - off;
pose_water.y = off;
case 4:
pose_water.x = width_src - scale_width_water - off;
pose_water.y = height_src - scale_height_water - off;
printf("wrong pose \n");
ret = -1;
if(ret == -1)
return ret;
roi = src(pose_water);
resize(water, water_resize, Size(scale_width_water, scale_height_water));
return 0;
int main(int argc , char * argv[])
if(argc < 6)
cout << "used error\n";
cout <<"used follow: " << argv[0] << " img1(jpg) img2(png) Tranparacy(0-100) Position(LEFT_TOP(0), LEFT_DOWN(1), MIDDLE(2), RIGHT_TOP(3),RIGHT_DOWN(4)), the result\n";
cout << "example: /home/disk/0_raw.jpg /home/disk/logo.png 0 0 /home/disk/logo_0_test.jpg \n";
return 103;
Mat img_src = imread(argv[1]);
Mat img_water_mark = imread(argv[2], -1);
//Check the argument
if(img_src.data == NULL || img_water_mark.data == NULL)
cout << "read img failed check it\n"
<< "img1: " << argv[1] << endl
<< "img1: " << argv[1] << endl;
return 101;
//Grey convert to color
if(img_src.channels() != 3)
cvtColor(img_src, img_src, COLOR_GRAY2BGR);
//Check the channel is correct
if(img_src.channels() != 3 || img_water_mark.channels() != 4)
cout << "img 's channnel is error ,check it \n";
return 102;
//Default watermark width is larger than height
if(img_water_mark.cols < img_water_mark.rows)
cout << "Watermark height large than width, check it \n";
return 104;
int scale = atoi(argv[3]);
float scale_ratio = (1- scale / 100.0);
if (scale_ratio > 1.0 || scale_ratio < 0.0)
cout << "scale is error , put scale in 1~100\n";
return 105;
int pose = atoi(argv[4]);
Mat src_copy = img_src.clone();
Mat water_copy = img_water_mark.clone();
Mat roi, water_resize ;
int ret = process_pose(src_copy, water_copy, roi, water_resize, pose);
if(ret == -1)
printf("other pose not in LEFT_TOP(0), LEFT_DOWN(1), MIDDLE(2), RIGHT_TOP(3),RIGHT_DOWN(4), check it\n");
return 106;
// Mat img_roi(img_src, cvRect(0, 0, img_water_mark.cols, img_water_mark.rows));
// add_watermask(img_roi, img_water_mark, scale_ratio);
add_watermask(roi, water_resize, scale_ratio);
//imshow("img", src_copy);
imwrite(argv[5], src_copy);
return 0;
答案 0 :(得分:1)
正如@MarkRansom所说,有些相机会在图像标题中存储EXIF &#34; Orientation&#34; 字段。
您有几个选项,使用 exiftool , jhead 或 ImageMagick 所有这些选项都安装在许多Linux发行版上,可用于macOS和Windows。
所以,要查看带有 exiftool 的字段:
exiftool -Orientation image.jpg
Orientation : Horizontal (normal)
或 jhead :
jhead -v image.jpg | grep -i orien
Orientation = 1
或 ImageMagick :
identify -verbose image.jpg | grep -i orient
Orientation: TopLeft
exif:Orientation: 1
使用OpenCV进行更正。或者您可以使用 OpenCV 之外的 ImageMagick 进行更正:
mogrify -auto-orient image.jpg # correct orientation of single image
convert image.jpg -auto-orient result.jpg # alternative, more verbose but same as above
mogrify -auto-orient *.jpg # correct orientation of all images
请注意 mogrify 会不可逆转地更改所有图片,因此请确保在测试前进行备份。
请注意, jhead 可能是Windows中三者中最容易安装,重量最轻的选项。在Linux或macOS中, exiftool 是最轻的权重,因为它只是一个Perl脚本。 ImageMagick 功能更强大,重量更重,安装更难 - 恕我直言。