榆树新手.. 我想从列表中获取一个项目。
这是模特(在第一篇文章中忘了) 我假设Report.id必须是Int !! ??
type alias Model =
{ reports : List Report
, alertMessage : Maybe String
type alias Report =
{ id : Int
, city : String
, country : String
initialModel : Model
initialModel =
{ reports = []
, alertMessage = Nothing
type Msg
= NewReports (Result Http.Error (List Report))
| ShowReport
| CloseAlert
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
NewReports (Ok weatherReports) ->
( { model | reports = weatherReports }, Cmd.none )
NewReports (Err error) ->
( { model | alertMessage = Just (httpErrorToMessage error) }, Cmd.none )
CloseAlert ->
( { model | alertMessage = Nothing }, Cmd.none )
ShowReport model ->
( ??? )
--VIEW now more complete to get the right picture
viewReportRow : Report -> Html Msg
viewReportRow report =
tr []
[ td [] [ text report.city ]
, td [] [ text report.country ]
, td [] []
[ button
[ class "button primary small"
, onClick (ShowReport report.id)
[ text "Show"]
答案 0 :(得分:2)
你走了 我已经更新了ShowReport消息以获取一个id(我假设它是一个String),显示了如何进行过滤(由您决定如何处理生成的列表),以及将您的视图片段转换为可以映射到model.reports
type Msg
= NewReports (Result Http.Error (List Report))
| ShowReport String
| CloseAlert
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
NewReports (Ok weatherReports) ->
( { model | reports = weatherReports }, Cmd.none )
NewReports (Err error) ->
( { model | alertMessage = Just (httpErrorToMessage error) }, Cmd.none )
CloseAlert ->
( { model | alertMessage = Nothing }, Cmd.none )
ShowReport id ->
let report =
List.filter (\rep -> rep.id == id) model.reports
(model, Cmd.none)
mkShowItem id =
td []
[ class "button small"
, onClick (ShowReport id)
[ text "Show"]