Welcome to your first Halite-II bot!
This bot's name is Settler. It's purpose is simple (don't expect it to win complex games :) ):
1. Initialize game
2. If a ship is not docked and there are unowned planets
2.a. Try to Dock in the planet if close enough
2.b If not, go towards the planet
Note: Please do not place print statements here as they are used to communicate with the Halite engine. If you need
to log anything use the logging module.
# Let's start by importing the Halite Starter Kit so we can interface with the Halite engine
import hlt
# Then let's import the logging module so we can print out information
import logging
from collections import OrderedDict
import math
# Here we define the bot's name as Settler and initialize the game, including communication with the Halite engine.
game = hlt.Game("Settler")
# Then we print our start message to the logs
logging.info("Starting my Settler bot!")
def arr_distances(ship, game_map):
p_distances = {}
for planet in game_map.all_planets():
distance = math.sqrt((float(planet.x) - float(ship.x)) ** 2.0 + (float(planet.y) - float(ship.y)) ** 2.0)
p_distances[planet.id] = distance
p_distances = OrderedDict(sorted(p_distances.items(), key = lambda t: t[1]))
return p_distances
while True:
# Update the map for the new turn and get the latest version
game_map = game.update_map()
# Here we define the set of commands to be sent to the Halite engine at the end of the turn
command_queue = []
# For every ship that I control
for ship in game_map.get_me().all_ships():
distances = arr_distances(ship, game_map)
# If the ship is docked
if ship.docking_status != ship.DockingStatus.UNDOCKED:
# Skip this ship
# For each planet in the game (only non-destroyed planets are included)
for planet in distances:
# If the planet is owned
if planet.is_owned():
# Skip this planet
# If we can dock, let's (try to) dock. If two ships try to dock at once, neither will be able to.
if ship.can_dock(planet):
# We add the command by appending it to the command_queue
# If we can't dock, we move towards the closest empty point near this planet (by using closest_point_to)
# with constant speed. Don't worry about pathfinding for now, as the command will do it for you.
# We run this navigate command each turn until we arrive to get the latest move.
# Here we move at half our maximum speed to better control the ships
# In order to execute faster we also choose to ignore ship collision calculations during navigation.
# This will mean that you have a higher probability of crashing into ships, but it also means you will
# make move decisions much quicker. As your skill progresses and your moves turn more optimal you may
# wish to turn that option off.
navigate_command = ship.navigate(
# If the move is possible, add it to the command_queue (if there are too many obstacles on the way
# or we are trapped (or we reached our destination!), navigate_command will return null;
# don't fret though, we can run the command again the next turn)
if navigate_command:
# Send our set of commands to the Halite engine for this turn
E:\halite competition\mybot\Halite2_Python3_Windows>halite.exe -d "240 160" "python MyBot.py" "python MyBot.py"
Game constants: all default
Seed: 197516812 Dimensions: 240x160
Init Message sent to player 0.
Init Message sent to player 1.
Init Message received from player 0, Settler.
Init Message received from player 1, Settler.
Turn 1
ERROR: Bot #0: Received invalid character 'Traceback (most recent call last):T'. (at character 1.)
Input received from bot:
Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR: Bot #1: Received invalid character 'Traceback (most recent call last):T'. (at character 1.)
Input received from bot:
Traceback (most recent call last):
Player 0 is dead
Bot 0 was killed.
Here is the rest of its output (if any):
"MyBot.py", line 58, in <module>
if planet.is_owned():
AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'is_owned'
--- End bot output ---
Player 1 is dead
Skipping replay (bot errored on first turn).
Player #0, Settler, came in rank #2 and was last alive on frame #0, producing 0 ships and dealing 0 damage!
Player #1, Settler, came in rank #1 and was last alive on frame #0, producing 0 ships and dealing 0 damage!
答案 0 :(得分:0)
或者,您可以更改p_distances = sorted(p_distances.items(), key = lambda t: t[1])
return p_distances
以返回public class KreatorZamowien
public int Id { get; set; }
public int NumerZamowienia { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<Nabywca> Nabywcy { get; set; } = new Hashset<Nabywca>();
public class Nabywca
public int NabywcaId { get; set; }
public string Nazwa { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<KreatorZamowien> KreatoryZamowien { get; set; } = new Hashset<KreatorZamowien>();
public ActionResult Create(KreatorZamowienNabywca model)
答案 1 :(得分:0)
你可以使用行星的ID获取或锁定一个行星 PLANET的ID是一个整数,你需要找到ID ==你的P.DISTANCE的行星[KEY] 那么DOCK PLANET
for planet in game_map.all_planets():
for i in distances:
if planet.id == i:
if planet.is_owned():
# If we can dock, let's (try to) dock. If two ships try to dock at once, neither will be able to.
if ship.can_dock(planet):
# We add the command by appending it to the command_queue
# If we can't dock, we move towards the closest empty point near this planet (by using closest_point_to)
# with constant speed. Don't worry about pathfinding for now, as the command will do it for you.
# We run this navigate command each turn until we arrive to get the latest move.
# Here we move at half our maximum speed to better control the ships
# In order to execute faster we also choose to ignore ship collision calculations during navigation.
# This will mean that you have a higher probability of crashing into ships, but it also means you will
# make move decisions much quicker. As your skill progresses and your moves turn more optimal you may
# wish to turn that option off.
navigate_command = ship.navigate(
# If the move is possible, add it to the command_queue (if there are too many obstacles on the way
# or we are trapped (or we reached our destination!), navigate_command will return null;
# don't fret though, we can run the command again the next turn)
if navigate_command:
答案 2 :(得分:0)
# Let's start by importing the Halite Starter Kit so we can interface with
the Halite engine
import hlt
# Then let's import the logging module so we can print out information
import logging
from collections import OrderedDict
import math
# Here we define the bot's name as Settler and initialize the game, including communication with the Halite engine.
game = hlt.Game("Settler")
# Then we print our start message to the logs
logging.info("Starting my Settler bot!")
def arr_distances(ship, game_map):
p_distances = {}
for planet in game_map.all_planets():
distance = math.sqrt((float(planet.x) - float(ship.x)) ** 2.0 + (float(planet.y) - float(ship.y)) ** 2.0)
p_distances[planet] = distance
p_distances = OrderedDict(sorted(p_distances.items(), key = lambda t: t[1]))
return p_distancese Halite engine at the end of the turn