
时间:2018-01-05 22:43:15

标签: sqlite haskell yesod

我希望我的yesod web app中的初始数据库状态由在app启动时解析的配置文件定义。我目前实现此目的的方法是编译,但似乎没有做任何事情,我怀疑这是因为数据库可能还没有准备好在那时使用,或者需要以不同方式访问。

import System.Directory 
import Data.Ini    

-- | The @main@ function for an executable running this site.
appMain :: IO ()
appMain = do
  settings <- loadYamlSettingsArgs

  foundation <- makeFoundation settings

  loadConfigs -- | load configs and fill db

  app <- makeApplication foundation
  runSettings (warpSettings foundation) app

loadConfigs :: IO ()
loadConfigs = do allFiles <- getDirectoryContents "/config"
                 let filtered = filter (isSuffixOf ".cfg") allFiles
                 forM_ filtered parseConfig

parseConfig :: String -> IO ()
parseConfig fileName = do 
                        res <- readIniFile fileName
                        case res of
                            Left msg -> do
                                return ()
                            Right ini -> do
                                let name = fromRight (pack "-") $ lookupValue (pack "name")  (pack "-") ini
                                db $ insert (User name "" "")
                                return ()

-- | Run DB queries
db :: ReaderT SqlBackend (HandlerT App IO) a -> IO a
db = handler . runDB

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