我的团队有点像TestCafe,但有一些保留反对采用它。主要是支持Gherking集成。 gherkin-testcafe npm包和样本https://github.com/helen-dikareva/testcafe-cucumber-demo似乎尚未准备好进入黄金时段。目前支持BDD是一种更可靠的方式吗?
答案 0 :(得分:4)
答案 1 :(得分:3)
Feature: Application
As an administrator
I want to be able to view and manage Applications in my account
Scenario: Verify creating and deleting an application
Given I am in the login page
When I login to console with allowed user
And I go to Applications page
And I add an application
Then the application is added in the application page
import {Selector} from 'testcafe';
import {LoginPageModel} from '../pagemodels/login.pagemodel';
import {ApplicationPageModel} from '../pagemodels/application.pagemodel';
let applicationPageModel: ApplicationPageModel = new ApplicationPageModel();
let loginPageModel: LoginPageModel = new LoginPageModel();
fixture(`Feature: Application
As a administrator
I want to be able to view and manage Applications in my account
let scenarioImplementation = async t => {
let stepSuccess: boolean;
stepSuccess = await loginPageModel.goToPage(t);
await t.expect(stepSuccess).eql(true, 'Given I am in the login page');
stepSuccess = await loginPageModel.login(t);
await t.expect(stepSuccess).eql(true, 'When I login to console with
allowed user');
stepSuccess = await applicationPageModel.selectPage(t);
await t.expect(stepSuccess).eql(true, 'And I go to Applications page');
stepSuccess = await applicationPageModel.addApplication(t);
await t.expect(stepSuccess).eql(true, 'And I add an application');
stepSuccess = await applicationPageModel.verifyAddedApplication(t);
await t.expect(stepSuccess).eql(true, 'Then the application is added in
the application page');
test(`Scenario: Verify creating and deleting an application
Given I am in the login page
When I login to console with allowed user
And I go to Applications page
And I add an application
Then the application is added in the application page`,