将CreateObject(" PowerPoint.Application")结果赋予变量时键入不匹配错误

时间:2018-01-05 20:26:34

标签: excel vba powerpoint createobject

我尝试从Excel模块中的VBA代码运行Power Point应用程序。我首先选择了Microsoft Power Point对象库。但是当我运行下面的代码时,我得到了一个




    Sub Test()
      Dim App As PowerPoint.Application
      Dim Ppp As PowerPoint.Presentation
      Dim Spp As PowerPoint.Slide
      Dim Chrt As PowerPoint.Chart

      'Opens Power Point application
      Set App = CreateObject("PowerPoint.Application")
      'Set App = New PowerPoint.Application
      'Makes the application visible (if necessary)
      App.Visible = True
      'Opens existing power point document
      Set Ppp = App.Presentations.Open("C:\Gap\Charts.pptx")
      'Sets the second slide
      Set Spp = Ppp.Slides(2)
      'Sets the chart named "EmbededChart"
      Set Chrt = Spp.Shapes("EmbededChart").Chart
    End Sub

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