示例:医疗记录作为对象和医生/护士的帐户作为主题。在一个简单的设置中,主体和对象之间没有直接关系,规则可能会在心脏病学部 中声明“护士从业者 心脏病患者的医疗记录 (来自NIST Whitepaper的例子)。现在想象一下,在医疗记录数据库中,每条记录都明确地将某医生的帐户称为其主治医师。规则应规定只允许记录的主治医生更改该记录的某些关键属性。
或者,该对象可以携带属性“Attending Physician =(Account-ID)”,这听起来更好,但是规则的技术表达将更复杂:“如果主题的Account ID属性值匹配,则授予访问权限对象的参加医师属性值“。 (在现实生活中,这种关系可能会更复杂和嵌套,而且规则更难用简单的术语表达。)
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是。在ABAC(和ALFA / XACML)中,您可以按照以下方式编写策略:
namespace com.axiomatics.examples{
import Attributes.*
obligation breakTheGlass = "com.axiomatics.examples.breakTheGlass"
obligation auditLog = "com.axiomatics.examples.auditLog"
namespace user{
attribute role{
category = subjectCat
id = "com.axiomatics.examples.user.role"
type = string
attribute identifier{
category = subjectCat
id = "com.axiomatics.examples.user.identifier"
type = string
attribute managerEmail{
category = subjectCat
id = "com.axiomatics.examples.user.manager.email"
type = string
namespace patient{
attribute assignedDoctor{
category = resourceCat
id = "com.axiomatics.examples.user.assignedDoctor"
type = string
namespace record{
attribute identifier{
category = resourceCat
id = "com.axiomatics.examples.record.identifier"
type = string
attribute actionId{
category = actionCat
id = "com.axiomatics.examples.actionId"
type = string
attribute objectType{
category = resourceCat
id = "com.axiomatics.examples.objectType"
type = string
attribute isEmergency{
category = environmentCat
id = "com.axiomatics.examples.isEmergency"
type = boolean
attribute message{
category = environmentCat
id = "com.axiomatics.examples.message"
type = boolean
* Control access to medical records
policy accessMedicalRecord{
target clause actionId == "view" and objectType == "medical record"
apply firstApplicable
* Doctors can view medical records of patients they are assigned to
rule allowRegularAccess{
target clause user.role == "doctor"
condition patient.assignedDoctor == user.identifier
* Doctors can view any medical reason in the case of an emergency
rule allowBreakTheGlassAccess{
target clause isEmergency == true
on permit{
obligation auditLog{
message = "A doctor has gotten access to a medical record by breaking the glass"
user.identifier = user.identifier
record.identifier = record.identifier
currentDateTime = currentDateTime
* Deny other accesses. If access is normally denied, tell doctors how
* they can get access by "breaking the glass".
rule denyAccess{
on deny{
obligation breakTheGlass{
message = "You do not have access to this medical record. To be granted access, set the isEmergency flag to true."
record.identifier = record.identifier
currentDateTime = currentDateTime