Spring JDBCtemplate ROW Mapper对于一些小记录来说太慢了

时间:2018-01-05 12:21:29

标签: java mysql spring postgresql jdbctemplate

我使用Spring,postgresql并试图通过JDBCtemplate ROW Mapper运行查询。 我的数据库中有大约100万条记录,而查询只返回 12条记录。 当我在数据库上运行此查询时,不到一秒,但当我使用JdbcTemplateRowMapper时,它会占用 11秒得到结果



      path = arrayOf("/getAppData/{userId}", "/getAppData/{userId}/"),
      method = arrayOf(RequestMethod.GET))
open fun getAppData(@PathVariable("userId")userId:Long): ResponseEntity<*> {
    var user= userRepo.findOne(userId)?: throw exception(ExceptionEvent.UserIdNotFound,userId)
var groups= groupService.loadListOfNodeIds(user.groupId)
var res= appService.getLineChartByGroupYear(userId,groups)
return ResponseEntity(res, HttpStatus.OK)



open class AppServiceImpl : BaseService(), AppService {

    private lateinit var jdbc: JdbcTemplate

    private lateinit var complianceRepo: ComplianceRepo

    open lateinit var groupService: GroupService

//**The query**

    override fun getLineChartByGroupYear(userId: Long,groups: List<Long>): List<Map<LocalDateTime,Float>>? {

        var sql= """ SELECT
                  CASE WHEN TOTAL = 0 THEN 0 ELSE 1.0 * compliant / total end as compliance_rate
                    date_trunc('month',location_timestamp) as date,
                    count(case when event_type = 'COMPL_HANDWASH' then 1 else null end) as compliant,
                    count(1) as total
                    from compliance
                    where group_id = any(ARRAY $groups) and location_timestamp between (now() - interval '1 year') and now()
                     group by 1) A
                     ORDER BY date; """
        var stopwatch=StopWatch()

        var res=jdbc.query( sql,
          logger.info("LineChartByGroupYear query BeanPropertyRowMapper1: ${stopwatch.totalTimeSeconds}")
        return res


行映射器的lineChartDto Object

public class lineChartDTO {
    private LocalDateTime date;
    private Float complianceRate;

    public lineChartDTO( LocalDateTime date, Float complianceRate) {
        this.date = date;
        this.complianceRate = complianceRate;

    public lineChartDTO() {

    public LocalDateTime getDate() {
        return date;

    public void setDate(LocalDateTime date) {
        this.date = date;

    public Float getComplianceRate() {
        return complianceRate;

    public void setComplianceRate(Float complianceRate) {
        this.complianceRate = complianceRate;


 open class DataSourceConfig {

   val DATA_PACKAGE = "com.nex.data"
   val INTERCEPTOR_KEY = "hibernate.ejb.interceptor"

     lateinit var username: String

     lateinit var password: String

  lateinit var url: String

  lateinit var driverClass: String

   var sslEnabled: Boolean = false

    open fun dataSource(): DataSource {
    var dbUrl = url
    val builder = DataSourceBuilder.create().driverClassName(driverClass)
     if (sslEnabled) {
    val sslPath = ClassPathResource("root.crt").uri.path
    val sslParams = "ssl=true&sslcert=$sslPath&sslrootcert=$sslPath&sslmode=verify-full"
    dbUrl = "$url?$sslParams"
 if (username != Const.NONE && password != Const.NONE) builder.username(username).password(password)
return builder.url(dbUrl).build()

 open fun entityManagerFactory(
  factory: EntityManagerFactoryBuilder, dataSource: DataSource,
  properties: JpaProperties): LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean {
  val jpaProperties = HashMap<String, Any>()
  jpaProperties.put(INTERCEPTOR_KEY, hibernateInterceptor())
  return factory.dataSource(dataSource).packages(DATA_PACKAGE)
    .properties(jpaProperties as MutableMap<String, *>)

  open fun hibernateInterceptor(): HibernateStatisticsInterceptor {
      return HibernateStatisticsInterceptor()

  open fun requestStatisticsInterceptor(): RequestStatisticsInterceptor {
      return RequestStatisticsInterceptor()

从查询中每次只返回12条记录。 我已经尝试设置fetchSize但没有发生任何事情。

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