float *A = (float*)malloc(ni * nk * sizeof(float));
int tab[100];
void test(int a, int b, int *tmp) {//}
在tmp声明中插入restrict关键字void test(int a, int b, int *__restrict__ tmp) {//}
launch value analysis
launch pdg analysis
for kf do
Get all locals variables (eg: let locals = Kernel_function.get_locals kf;)
for each local var do
if Cil.isPointerType vi.vtype then
find local var declaration (eg: with vi.vdecl);
print vi.vdecl in output file;
Know if local var is initialized during the declaration;
if local var is not initialized during the declaration then
locate local var initialization or first utilisation;
print this localisation in output file;
if this initialization is "an variable assignement" then
match initialization with
| ptr = a (where ptr (the local var concerned) and a are pointer type) -> get_base_addr a; get_array_size a; get_num_of_elm a;
print previous get_* results in output file; add ptr to some list
| ptr = &val -> match val with
| Const ->
| Lval ->
| ArrayType -> get_base_addr val; get_array_size val; get_num_of_elm val;
print previous get_* results in output file; add ptr to some list
| _ ->
| _ ->
else if this initialization is a dynamic allocation (eg: with malloc, ...) then
get_base_addr ptr; get_array_size ptr; get_num_of_elm ptr;
print previous get_* results in output file; add ptr to some list
else if local var is initialized during the declaration then
else if Cil.isArrayType vi.vtype then
get_base_addr ptr; get_array_size ptr; get_num_of_elm ptr;
print previous get_* results in output file; add ptr to some list
(*local var is not a pointer and not an array*)
end of for
Get list of all called functions;
Know if previous pointers or arrays analysed are passed as parameters to some functions in this list and print the name of these functions;
end of for ; end
我查看了文件Cil_types.mli和db.mli(为了使用一些Db.Value。*函数)并找到了一些类型(如TPtr和TArray)和许多有用的函数(mk *)但是暂时但是现在我还没有真正理解如何使用它们。