
时间:2018-01-03 22:49:26

标签: macos applescript imessage

我正在尝试编写一个会在消息应用中完成所有聊天的脚本 - 我的目标是查找我尚未回复的所有消息并向我发送提醒。

但是我被困在第一个方面 - 我可以看到我有多少信息:

tell application "Messages" to log (count of chats)


tell application "Messages" to set x to started of first chat



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

我使用您的sqlite3代码进行了一些小调整,然后创建了这个AppleScript,它会生成一个提醒列表(在 Reminders 应用程序中)。唯一的缺点是发件人显示为电话号码或iMessage地址,并且不会使用您的地址簿“转换”为姓名。这可以通过一些tell命令实现联系人并对电话号码进行搜索,但这超出了目前这一特定工作的范围。

    -- Run an SQL query on the messages database via shell script
    do shell script (["sqlite3 -line ~/Library/Messages/chat.db ", ¬
        "'SELECT MAX(date) lastMessageDate, h.id, text ", ¬
        "FROM message m INNER JOIN handle h ON h.ROWID=m.handle_id ", ¬
        "WHERE is_from_me = 0 GROUP BY h.ROWID' | egrep -io -e '\\w+ = .+'"] as text)

    set query_response to result
        --> lastMessageDate = %timestamp%
        --> id = %phone number or iMessage address%
        --> text = %message content%
        --> ...

    -- Groups all messages into a single item of an array
    -- Each occurence of  "lastMessageDate = " indicates 
    -- a new message and, hence, a new array item.
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "lastMessageDate = "
    set query_response to rest of text items of query_response

    -- Loop through the array organise each message
    repeat with message in query_response

        -- Split the array item up into its components
        set [receivedOn, sentFrom, textContent] ¬
            to [paragraph 1, ¬
            text 6 thru -1 of paragraph 2, ¬
            text 8 thru -1 of paragraph 3] of message

        -- Convert ReceivedOn to a value representing
        -- the number of days since 01/01/2001
        set receivedOn to receivedOn / (1.0E+9 * 86400)

        -- Convert ReceivedOn again to the date
        -- corresponding to the number of days since
        -- 01/01/2001, i.e. the date and time the message
        -- was sent
        set receivedOn to (date "Monday, 1 January 2001 at 00:00:00") + receivedOn * days

        -- Make a reminder
        tell application "Reminders"
            if not (exists (list named "Awaiting My Reply")) then ¬
                make new list with properties {name:"Awaiting My Reply"}

            tell list named "Awaiting My Reply"
                -- This creates a reminder with a past due date
                -- meaning you can sort the reminder list by due
                -- date to see who has been waiting longest
                -- for you to reply
                make new reminder with properties ¬
                    {name:"Reply To " & sentFrom, body:¬
                        textContent, due date:¬
                        receivedOn} ¬

            end tell
        end tell
    end repeat

当然,如果您的任何短信恰好包含短语“lastMessagedate =”,那么这对上面的脚本效果不佳。但是,有一些解决方法,我尝试了sqlite3返回的各种格式,包括列表 csv ,所有这些都有其优点和缺点。




    -- Replace dbID with your address book's serial number
    -- (look in ~/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/Sources)
    property dbID : "377FDA5C-013A-430A-A964-9943C0B40137"
    property db : {Messages:"/Users/CK/Library/Messages/chat.db", Addresses:"/Users/CK/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/Sources/" & dbID & "/AddressBook-v22.abcddb"}

    -- Run an SQL query on the messages database via shell script
    set Messages to do shell script (["sqlite3 -line ", ¬
        quoted form of (Messages in db) as text, ¬
        " 'SELECT MAX(date) lastMessageDate, h.id, text", ¬
        " FROM message m INNER JOIN handle h ON h.ROWID=m.handle_id", ¬
        " WHERE is_from_me = 0 GROUP BY h.ROWID'", ¬
        " | egrep -io -e '\\w+ = .+'"] as text)
    --> lastMessageDate = %timestamp%
    --> id = %phone number or iMessage address%
    --> text = %message content%
    --> ...

    set PhoneNumbers to do shell script (["sqlite3 -list -separator : ", ¬
        quoted form of (Addresses in db) as text, ¬
        " 'select r.ZFIRSTNAME, r.ZLASTNAME, p.ZFULLNUMBER", ¬
        " from ZABCDRECORD as r, ZABCDPHONENUMBER as p", ¬
        " WHERE p.ZOWNER=r.Z_PK'", ¬
        " | tr -c -d '[:alnum:]:[:cntrl:]:[:space:]:+#*'"] as text)
    --> %first name%:%last name:%phone number%
    --> ...

    set NamesAndNumbers to paragraphs of PhoneNumbers
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ":"
    tell NamesAndNumbers to ¬
        repeat with n from 1 to count it
            set its item n to ¬
                {firstname:text item 1, lastname:text item 2, phone:text item 3} ¬
                    of its item n
        end repeat

    -- Groups all messages into a single item of an array
    -- Each occurence of  "lastMessageDate = " indicates 
    -- a new message and, hence, a new array item.
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "lastMessageDate = "
    set Messages to rest of text items of Messages

    -- Loop through the array organise each message
    repeat with message in Messages

        -- Split the array item up into its components
        set [receivedOn, sentFrom, textContent] ¬
            to [paragraph 1, ¬
            text 6 thru -1 of paragraph 2, ¬
            text 8 thru -1 of paragraph 3] of message

        -- Convert ReceivedOn to a value representing
        -- the number of days since 01/01/2001
        set receivedOn to receivedOn / (1.0E+9 * 86400)

        -- Convert ReceivedOn again to the date
        -- corresponding to the number of days since
        -- 01/01/2001, i.e. the date and time the message
        -- was sent
        set receivedOn to (date "Monday, 1 January 2001 at 00:00:00") + receivedOn * days

        -- Keep the "+" delimiter but replace the "+44" with
        -- your own country's intl dialling code, e.g. {"+1", "+"}
        -- as this may or may not prefix a phone number
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {"+44", "+"}
        set sentFrom to last text item of sentFrom

        -- Find the name to whom the phone number belongs
        ignoring white space
            set match to ""
            repeat with person in NamesAndNumbers
                if the person's phone contains sentFrom then
                    set match to contents of the person
                    exit repeat
                end if
            end repeat
        end ignoring

        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to space
        if match is not "" then set sentFrom to the contents of ¬
            {firstname, lastname} of match as text

        -- Make a reminder
        tell application "Reminders"
            if not (exists (list named "Awaiting My Reply")) then ¬
                make new list with properties {name:"Awaiting My Reply"}

            tell list named "Awaiting My Reply"
                -- This creates a reminder with a past due date
                -- meaning you can sort the reminder list by due
                -- date to see who has been waiting longest
                -- for you to reply
                make new reminder with properties ¬
                    {name:"Reply To " & sentFrom, body:¬
                        textContent, due date:¬
                        receivedOn} ¬

            end tell
        end tell
    end repeat