
时间:2018-01-03 15:52:43

标签: admin-on-rest





2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

Authorization section of the documentation上提供了管理信息中心用户权限所需的全部内容。

首先,在身份验证步骤中,您必须set the current user permission(基本上是您的选择字符串,由API提供和/或存储在本地存储中,例如:user,{{1 },admin等):


然后,你可以check this permission inside your resource declaration

if (type === AUTH_GET_PERMISSIONS) {
    const { role, id } = params;
    return Promise.resolve(`${role}_${id}`);

您还可以restrict an entire resource to administrators

export const UserEdit = ({ ...props }) =>
    <Edit title={<UserTitle />} {...props}>
        {permissions =>
            <TabbedForm defaultValue={{ role: 'user' }}>
                <FormTab label="user.form.summary">
                    <DisabledInput source="id" />
                    {permissions === `user_${props.record.id}` &&
                        <TextInput source="name" validate={required} />

答案 1 :(得分:0)

你也可以尝试使用我的ra-component-factory以非常优雅的方式处理这些问题:https://github.com/zifnab87/ra-component-factory它现在列在admin-on-rest(https://github.com/marmelab/admin-on-rest/blob/master/docs/Ecosystem.md)<的贡献中/ p>

以下是配置的一般框架 - 它可以帮助您将字段设置为不可见或只读,菜单项可见性,操作按钮可见性,甚至每个角色和每个操作的标签排列。

export default {
    props: {
        id: {
            input: (<TextInput source="id"/>),
            field: (<TextField source="id"/>),
        name: {
            input: (<TextInput label="Name" source="name"/>),
            field: (<TextField label="Name" source="name"/>),
        date: {
            input: (<DateInput source="date" parse={dateParser} label="Post Date"/>),
            field: (<DateField source="date" type="date" label="Post Date"/>),
        dateGte: { //date Greater than equal
            input: (<DateInput source="dateGte" parse={dateParser} label="Date from"/>),
        dateLte: { // date Less than equal
            input: (<DateInput source="dateLte" parse={dateParser} label="Date to"/>),
        author: {
            input: <ReferenceInput label="Author" source="author" reference="authors" allowEmpty>
                      <SelectInput optionText="name" translate={false}/>
            field: <ReferenceField label="Author" source="author" reference="authors" sortable={false} linkType={false} allowEmpty={true}>
                      <ChipField source="name"/>

    role1: {
        create: {
            props: ["name", "author", "date"],
            action: true
        edit: {
            props: ["_id", "name", "author", "date"],
            action: true
        list: {
            props: ["id", "name", "author", "date"],
            action: true
        filter: {
            props: ["q", "id", "author", "dateGte", "dateLte"],
            action: true
        show: {
            props: ["id", "name", "author"],
            action: true
        search: {
            action: true
        delete: {
            action: true

    role2: {
        create: {
            props: [],
            action: false
        edit: {
            props: [],
            action: false
        list: {
            props: ["id", "name", "author", "date"],
            action: false
        filter: {
            props: ["q", "id", "author", "dateGte", "dateLte"],
            action: true
        show: {
            props: ["id", "name", "author"],
            action: true
        search: {
            action: true
        delete: {
            action: false