通常,我不会发布这么多代码,但这只是rehash if语句删除,我不知道问题发生在哪里。
char * HashTable::remove(const char *str)
// if rehashing, check both tables
// if not rehashing check if we need to
// check new table if we have to rehash
if (is_rehashing)
// first check in the old table
// copy over any items we pass to new table
int found = -1 ;
char * cstring = NULL ;
int index = hashCode(str) % m_tableSize ;
int index2 = hashCode(str) % m_tableSize2 ;
int count = 1;
while (true)
if (m_hash[index] == NULL) { break ; } // not in first array
if (m_hash[index] == DELETED) { } // not in this index
else // its a cstring, copy over
// int count = 1 ;
int new_index = hashCode(m_hash[index]) % m_tableSize2 ;
// insert to new table
while( true )
if (m_rehash[new_index] == NULL) break ;
if (m_rehash[new_index] == DELETED) break ;
new_index = (new_index + 1) % m_tableSize2 ;
count ++ ;
// copy to new table, and delete from old
m_rehash[new_index] = strdup(m_hash[index]) ;
m_size2++ ;
free(m_hash[index]) ;
m_hash[index] = NULL ;
m_size-- ;
if (strcmp(m_rehash[new_index], str) == 0) // FOUND!! now DELETE IT
cstring = strdup(m_rehash[new_index]) ;
free(m_rehash[new_index]) ;
m_rehash[new_index] = DELETED ;
found = 0 ;
index = (index + 1) % m_tableSize ;
// iterate backwards, get the entire cluster.
index = ((hashCode(str) % m_tableSize) - 1 ) %m_tableSize ;
while (true)
if (m_hash[index] == NULL) { break ; } // not in first array
if (m_hash[index] == DELETED) { } // not in this index
else // found a cstring
// int count = 1 ;
int new_index = hashCode(m_hash[index]) % m_tableSize2 ;
// insert to new table TODO: maybe make a new function for this
while( true )
if (m_rehash[new_index] == NULL) break ;
if (m_rehash[new_index] == DELETED) break ;
new_index = (new_index + 1) % m_tableSize2 ;
count ++ ;
// copy to new table, and delete from old
m_rehash[new_index] = strdup(m_hash[index]) ;
m_size2++ ;
free(m_hash[index]) ;
m_hash[index] = NULL ;
m_size-- ;
// check if 2nd table needs rehashing
//if (count >= 10) { rehash() ; }
//else if (m_size2 >= (m_tableSize2 / 2)) { rehash() ; }
// found it!
if (strcmp(m_rehash[new_index], str) == 0) { found = new_index ; }
index = (index - 1) % m_tableSize ;
// check if 2nd table needs rehashing
if (count >= 10) { rehash() ; }
else if (m_size2 >= (m_tableSize2 / 2)) { rehash() ; }
if (found != -1)
finishRehash() ;
return cstring ;
// couldn't find it in the 1st array, lets try the second
count = 1 ;
while (true)
if (m_rehash[index2] == NULL) { finishRehash() ; return NULL ; }
// not in either array
if (m_rehash[index2] == DELETED) { } // nada
else if (strcmp(m_rehash[index2], str) == 0) // FOUND HERE
char * cstring = strdup(m_rehash[index2]) ;
free(m_rehash[index2]) ;
m_rehash[index2] = DELETED ;
finishRehash() ;
return cstring;
index2 = (index2 + 1) % m_tableSize2 ;
count++ ;
if (count >= 10) { rehash() ; }
else if (m_size2 >= (m_tableSize2 / 2)) { rehash() ; }