我试图在YouTube上搜索一些评论,但我的ID不起作用,我不知道我是否必须使用API或客户端ID /密码:
>id <- "XXX"
>api <- "xxx"
>client <-"xxx"
>secret <- "xxx"
yt_oauth(client, secret)
yt.oauth(client, secret)
yt.ouath(client,secret, token = ' ')
yt_oauth(user, api, token = '')
# A<- yt_oauth(user,api)
library (devtools)
devtools::install_github("soodoku/tuber", build_vignettes = TRUE)
#quick overview of some important functions in tuber, see the vignette:
vignette("tuber-ex", package="tuber")
#Get All the Comments Including Replies
get_all_comments(video_id = "a-UQz7fqR3w")
yt.oauth(client, secret)
Error in yt.oauth(client, secret) : not found the function "yt.oauth"
yt_oauth(user, api, token = '')
Waiting for authentication in browser...Press Esc/Ctrl + C to abort
But it doesn't recognize my credentials