
时间:2017-12-26 20:53:16

标签: vba range

我试图以与旧excel相同的方式突出显示新的excel并且数据很大。所以我保存了范围内的数据并尝试查找,计算范围内的函数。但是它一直显示“object not find error”因为我很好地定义了范围对象,所以我真的不明白。这是我的代码的一部分。我在定义RangSe1对象之后尝试通过“RangSe1(1,1).Activate”进行调试,它甚至从这里给出了424错误。我真的很困惑。

 Sub Morningsmall()

 Dim strfile As String
 Dim iLastrow, iColor, iFind, iLastrow1, iLastrow2, iLastrow3, iLastrow4,   iRow As Long
 Dim RangSe1, RangSo1, RangSe2, RangSo2, RangS As Range

 Dim wbLastday, wbToday As Workbook
 Dim wsSettle1, wsSettle2, wsSophis1, wsSophis2 As Worksheet

    With Application

        .ScreenUpdating = False
        .EnableEvents = False
        .Calculation = xlCalculationManual
        .DisplayStatusBar = False
    End With

  'Open yesterday's file
   MsgBox "Open Yesterday's Settlement Report"
   strfile = Application.GetOpenFilename
   If strfile <> "False" Then Workbooks.Open strfile

Set wbLastday = ActiveWorkbook
Set wsSettle1 = wbLastday.Sheets("SettlementReport")
Set wsSophis1 = wbLastday.Sheets("Sophis")

iLastrow1 = wsSettle1.Cells(wsSettle1.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
iLastrow2 = wsSophis1.Cells(wsSophis1.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row

RangSe1 = wsSettle1.Range("A1:AQ" & iLastrow1)
RangSo1 = wsSophis1.Range("A1:AJ" & iLastrow2)

RangSe1(1, 1).Activate


For i = 2 To iLastrow3
    iFind = RangSe2(i, 1)
    'a = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Rang, iFind)
    If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(wsSettle1, iFind) > 0 Then

   'range1.Find("test id", LookIn:=xlValues)
        If RangSe1(wsSettle1.Cells.Find(what:=iFind).Row, 6) = RangSe2(i,           6)     Then
       iColor = RangSe1.Find(what:=iFind).Interior.Color
           If iColor <> 16777215 Then
                 wsSettle2.Rows(i).Interior.Color = iColor
           End If
       End If
 End If


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Dim RangSe1
RangSe1 = wsSettle1.Range("A1:AQ" & iLastrow1)


Dim RangSe1 As Variant
RangSe1 = wsSettle1.Range("A1:AQ" & iLastrow1).Value

将创建一个Variant数组,其大小为1 To iLastrow1, 1 To 43。您不能在数组的Activate位置使用(1, 1)方法,因为数组不是对象,因此没有方法或属性。



Dim RangSe1, RangSo1, RangSe2, RangSo2, RangS As Range


Dim RangSe1 As Variant, RangSo1 As Variant, RangSe2 As Variant, RangSo2 As Variant, RangS As Range


Dim RangSe1 As Range, RangSo1 As Range, RangSe2 As Range, RangSo2 As Range, RangS As Range


RangSe1 = wsSettle1.Range("A1:AQ" & iLastrow1)


Set RangSe1 = wsSettle1.Range("A1:AQ" & iLastrow1)