在下面的代码中我想建立一个与套接字的连接然后写一些json字符串,然后通过makefile读取它。写作部分工作正常,但在阅读部分,代码无法加载json字符串?在下面的代码中,代码卡在此行conn_data = json.load(in_file)
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# connect to directory server - runs on port 9001
self.dir_host = 'localhost' # directory server address
self.dir_port = 9001 # directory server port
conn_str = json.dumps({'command':'register','role':role})
print "to be sent: ", conn_str
s.connect((self.dir_host, self.dir_port))
s.sendall(conn_str) # send test string
print "sent the bloody string chars: "
# s.shutdown(socket.SHUT_WR)
print "shutdown socket for writing now going into recieve part (should be a loop right)"
in_file = s.makefile('r',0) # open the socket as a file object, read-only, unbuffered
print "open socket"
conn_data = json.load(in_file) # we expect a json string so load as dict object
print conn_data
def start(self):
#create an INET, STREAMing socket
serv_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
serv_sock.bind((self.host, self.port))
serv_sock.listen(5) # and listen for connections
while (1):
print "listening ... "
cli_sock, addr = serv_sock.accept()
print "recieved connection from {0}", addr
print "handle running"
def handle_connection(self, in_sock):
in_file = in_sock.makefile('r',0) # open the socket as a file object, read-only, unbuffered
cli_data = json.load(in_file) #
print "read the request into json object for the connection ...", cli_data
role = int(cli_data['role'])
if cli_data['command'] == 'register':
role_count = self.get_role_count(role)
proc_num = str(role) + '.' + str(role_count)
port = self.maxPort
# now add the stuff to the process table
self.PaxosProcs[role].append(self.PaxosProcess(proc_num, port))
# get the info that the requesting process needs
conn_data = self.get_connection_data(role)
conn_data['proc_num'] = proc_num
conn_data['port'] = port
conn_info = json.dumps(conn_data)
self.maxPort += 1
elif cli_data['command'] == 'update':
# if proc is not in the table tell it to register by returning an error
proc_num = cli_data['proc_num']
if self.is_registered(proc_num, role):
conn_info = json.dumps(self.get_connection_data(role))
conn_info = json.dumps({'error':'unregistered'})
elif cli_data['command'] == 'remove':
proc_num = cli_data['proc_num']
if self.remove(proc_num, role):
conn_info = json.dumps({'info':'removed'})
conn_info = json.dumps({'error':'unregistered'})
print "result dispatched..."