I am just starting out with python and the google speech api/speech recognition. I was wondering if it is possible to always have the speech api listening for a keyword and when it hears the keyword to process commands. Since there is a limit on how much free audio the google speech api can process, is this possible? So far I have code that looks like this, but once the api does not hear any speech for a certain amount of seconds(I think 4), it throws an error. In a final project, I'd like to get this to work on a raspberry pi 3.
import speech_recognition as sr
import speak
from time import ctime
import time
import sys
r = sr.Recognizer()
lang = 'en'
data = ''
nameCalled = 0
# Enable Microphone and use for audio input
# Speech recognition using Google Speech Recognition
def spk(text, lang):
speak.tts(text, lang)
def audioRecord():
with sr.Microphone() as source:
#r.energy_threshold = 500
# Increase for less sensitivity, decrease for more
audio = r.listen(source)
data = r.recognize_google(audio)
print('You said ' + data)
return data
except sr.UnknownValueError:
print('Google could not understand audio!')
except sr.RequestError as e:
print('Could not request results for GSR')
def brain(data):
global nameCalled
#^^Keep track to see if amber was called^^
global lang
#If amber was said, than the next command heard can be executed
if nameCalled == 0:
if 'Amber' in data:
nameCalled = 1
spk('Yes?', lang)
elif 'nothing' in data:
spk('Okay', lang)
return 'null'
#Once we hear amber, the next command spoken can be executed,
# if something goes wrong, just set the nameCalled variable to 0
#and restart the process
elif nameCalled == 1:
if 'what time is it' in data:
spk(ctime(), lang)
if 'nothing' in data:
spk('Okay', lang)
nameCalled = 0
nameCalled = 0
# initialization
spk('hello nick, what can I do for you today', lang)
while 1:
data = audioRecord()