C ++:防止在const函数中更改指针的值

时间:2017-12-21 09:28:38

标签: c++ pointers const


struct foo
    int* pI;
    void bar() const
        int* ptrToI = pI; // I want this to require 'const int*'
        *ptrToI = 5; // I want this to fail


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

除非您可以创建成员const int*,否则可以使用继承将成员隐藏在成为子类的内容中,并在基类中提供protected函数,以生成const int* }指针:

class base_foo
    int* pI;
    const int* get_pI(){return pI;}

struct foo : base_foo
    int* ptrToI = get_pI(); // will fail due to attempted conversion to int*
    /* and so on*/


答案 1 :(得分:1)

您可以使用自定义smart pointer来隐藏基础指针:

template <typename T>
struct ptr_t
    T *ptr;
    //Constructors and assignment operators
    ptr_t(): ptr(nullptr) {}
    ptr_t(T* p): ptr(p) {}
    ptr_t(const ptr_t &other): ptr(other.ptr) {}
    ptr_t& operator=(T* p) {this->ptr=p;return *this;}
    ptr_t& operator=(const ptr_t &other) {this->ptr=other.ptr; return *this;}

    //Note that the smart pointers included in the standard returns non-const pointers
    //That is why you need to define a custom smart pointer, which forces the const pointer return in the const version of the operators.
    const T* operator->() const {return ptr;}
    T* operator->() {return ptr;}
    const T& operator&() const {return *ptr;}
    T& operator&() {return *ptr;}

    operator const T*() const {return ptr;}
    operator T*() {return ptr;}

struct foo2
    ptr_t<int> pI;
    void nonconst_bar()
        int* ptrToI = pI; // Now success, since not const
        *ptrToI = 5;

    void failing_bar() const
        //int* ptrToI = pI; // This fails
        //*pI = 5; // This also fails

    void success_bar() const
        const int* ptrToI = pI;
        //*ptrToI = 5; // This is not possible anymore