在变量中添加数字不起作用? (这又是石头剪刀程序。)
import random
hscore = 0
cscore = 0
tries = 0
#computer choice
rock = ("rock")
paper = ("paper")
scissors= ("scissors")
rps = (rock, paper, scissors)
#human wins
def humanfunction():
hscore +=1
if choice == "rock":
if cchoice == scissors:
hscore +=1
print("Human wins this round.")
if choice == "scissors":
if cchoice == paper:
hscore +=1
print("Human wins this round.")
if choice == "paper":
if cchoice == rock:
hscore +=1
print("Human wins this round.")
def computerwin():
#computer wins
cscore +=1
if cchoice == "rock":
if choice == scissors:
cscore +=1
print("Computer wins this round.")
if cchoice == "scissors":
if choice == paper:
cscore +=1
print("Computer wins this round.")
if cchoice == "paper":
if choice == rock:
cscore +=1
print("Computer wins this round.")
def tie():
if cchoice == choice:
print("It's a tie!")
while 0 == 0:
choice = input("\nWhat do you choose? <rock, paper, scissors>: ")
tries +=1
cchoice = random.choice(rps)
print(hscore, cscore)
print("Human choice: ",choice)
print("Computer choice: ",cchoice)
print("Finished game number", tries)
if tries == 10:
print("limit reached")
人类选择了纸,计算机选择了摇滚,这意味着人类击败了计算机 - 但是人类的得分并没有增加下一场比赛。由于某种原因,函数一直在严重破坏我的代码。
在函数中再次存在,因为没有它,输出将说明事先引用的局部变量。 (这是一个课堂作业,我们不能使用我们还没有完成的事情。)所以添加全局也无济于事。选项在稍后的代码中定义。我只是没有包含它,因为我只想显示添加变量的部分。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
import random
hscore = 0
cscore = 0
tries = 0
#computer choice
rock = ("rock")
paper = ("paper")
scissors= ("scissors")
rps = (rock, paper, scissors)
#human wins
def humanfunction():
global hscore
hscore +=1
if choice == "rock":
if cchoice == scissors:
hscore +=1
print("Human wins this round.")
if choice == "scissors":
if cchoice == paper:
hscore +=1
print("Human wins this round.")
if choice == "paper":
if cchoice == rock:
hscore +=1
print("Human wins this round.")
def computerwin():
#computer wins
global cscore
cscore +=1
if cchoice == "rock":
if choice == scissors:
cscore +=1
print("Computer wins this round.")
if cchoice == "scissors":
if choice == paper:
cscore +=1
print("Computer wins this round.")
if cchoice == "paper":
if choice == rock:
cscore +=1
print("Computer wins this round.")
def tie():
if cchoice == choice:
print("It's a tie!")
while 0 == 0:
choice = input("\nWhat do you choose? <rock, paper, scissors>: ")
tries +=1
cchoice = random.choice(rps)
print(hscore, cscore)
print("Human choice: ",choice)
print("Computer choice: ",cchoice)
print("Finished game number", tries)
if tries == 10:
print("limit reached")
What do you choose? <rock, paper, scissors>: 0
(1, 1)
('Human choice: ', 0)
('Computer choice: ', 'rock')
('Finished game number', 1)
What do you choose? <rock, paper, scissors>: 1
(2, 2)
('Human choice: ', 1)
('Computer choice: ', 'scissors')
('Finished game number', 2)
What do you choose? <rock, paper, scissors>: 0
(3, 3)
('Human choice: ', 0)
('Computer choice: ', 'scissors')
('Finished game number', 3)
What do you choose? <rock, paper, scissors>: 0
(4, 4)
('Human choice: ', 0)
('Computer choice: ', 'paper')
('Finished game number', 4)
What do you choose? <rock, paper, scissors>: 2
(5, 5)
('Human choice: ', 2)
('Computer choice: ', 'paper')
('Finished game number', 5)
What do you choose? <rock, paper, scissors>: 2
(6, 6)
('Human choice: ', 2)
('Computer choice: ', 'rock')
('Finished game number', 6)
答案 1 :(得分:0)
您的代码当前和潜在的问题很多,因此这个问题的最佳答案可能就是解决这个问题的一般方法,这可能会让您深入了解Python程序的结构。< / p>
你的函数的主循环很好,但它期望函数改变程序的一般状态。这不是通常应该做的功能(除非在极少数情况下)。相反,函数应该接受参数并返回结果。在这种情况下,你需要一个带有两个参数的函数 - 玩家的选择和计算机的选择 - 并返回谁获胜。
function judge_game:
arguments: player choice, computer choice
return: 'tie' or 'player' or 'computer'
initialize variables for tries and scores
while tries are sufficiently small
get player choice
get computer choice
if judge_game returns 'player' then increment player score
if judge_game returns 'computer' then increment computer score
# carry on with remaining logic