
时间:2017-12-21 00:38:33

标签: excel vba

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在文件右侧我有数据1 + 2 + 3




1 个答案:

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Sub Get_Third_Value()
    Dim Totals() As Variant, Names() As String, Cats() As String
    Dim X As Integer, Cur_Pers As Integer, Y As Integer, Z As Integer, No_Cats As Integer, No_Ppl As Integer, Last_Row As Integer
    Dim Tmp_Val As String
    ReDim Totals(1 To 7, 1 To 1) As Variant
    ReDim Names(1 To 1) As String
    ReDim Cats(1 To 1) As String
    Dim Data As Variant
        'This lets the user determine which data column they wish to total.
        Data = -1
        Data = InputBox("Please state which Data Value you wish to total:", "Total which Data:", "3")
        If IsNumeric(Data) = False Then Data = -1
    Loop Until Data > 0 And Data < 4
    For X = 2 To 10000
        'This for loop is used to generate a list of People's Names and the Categories of data (E.G. Food, Drink, Super, etc).
        'There is an assumption that there will only be a maximum of 7 Categories.
        If Range("A" & X).Value = "" Then
                'This ensures that at the end of the list of data the process ends.
                Last_Row = X - 1
                Exit For
        End If
        Tmp_Val = LCase(Range("A" & X).Value)
        If No_Cats <> 0 Then
                For Y = 1 To No_Cats
                    If Tmp_Val = Cats(Y) Then GoTo Already_Added 'This checks the array of Categories and skips the remainder if this already exists in that array.
                Next Y
        End If
        For Y = (X + 1) To 10000
            If Range("A" & Y).Value = "" Then GoTo Add_Name 'If the value is not repeated in the list, it must be someone's name.
            If Tmp_Val = LCase(Range("A" & Y).Value) Then
                    'If the value is repeated in the list in Column A, it must be a Category of data.
                    If No_Cats = 0 Then
                            'When no Categories have been added to the array of Categories, then the first is just added.
                            No_Cats = 1
                            ReDim Preserve Cats(1 To No_Cats) As String
                            Cats(No_Cats) = Tmp_Val
                            'If the Category wasn't already found in the array of Categories, then this adds it.
                            No_Cats = No_Cats + 1
                            ReDim Preserve Cats(1 To No_Cats) As String
                            Cats(No_Cats) = Tmp_Val
                    End If
                    'Once the category has been added, then you don't need to keep checking the list.
                    GoTo Already_Added
            End If
        Next Y
        No_Ppl = No_Ppl + 1
        ReDim Preserve Names(1 To No_Ppl) As String
        ReDim Preserve Totals(1 To 7, 1 To No_Ppl) As Variant
        Names(No_Ppl) = Tmp_Val
    Next X
    For X = 2 To Last_Row
        For Y = 1 To No_Ppl
            'This for loop checks the current row against the list of names.
            If LCase(Range("A" & X).Value) = Names(Y) Then
                    Cur_Pers = Y
                    Exit For
            End If
        Next Y
        For Y = 1 To No_Cats
            'This for loop checks the current row against the array of Categories and increments the total as required.
            If LCase(Range("A" & X).Value) = Cats(Y) Then
                    Totals(Y, Cur_Pers) = Totals(Y, Cur_Pers) + CInt(Range(Cells(X, Data + 1).Address).Value)
                    Exit For
            End If
        Next Y
    Next X
    With Range(Cells(Last_Row + 2, 3).Address & ":" & Cells(Last_Row + 2, 2 + No_Cats).Address)
        .Value = "Data " & Data
        .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
    End With
    For X = 1 To No_Ppl
        Range("B" & X + (Last_Row + 4)).Value = UCase(Left(Names(X), 1)) & Right(Names(X), Len(Names(X)) - 1)
    Next X
    For Y = 1 To No_Cats
        Range(Cells(Last_Row + 3, 2 + Y).Address).Value = "Sum of " & Cats(Y)
        Range(Cells(Last_Row + 4, 2 + Y).Address).Value = Cats(Y)
        For X = 1 To No_Ppl
            Range(Cells(Last_Row + 4 + X, 2 + Y).Address).Value = Totals(Y, X)
        Next X
    Next Y
End Sub