export function shortenUUID(uuidToShorten: string, length: number) {
const uuidWithoutDashes = uuidToShorten.replace(/-/g , '');
const radix = uuidWithoutDashes.length;
const randomId = [];
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
randomId[i] = uuidWithoutDashes[ 0 | Math.random() * radix];
return randomId.join('');
答案 0 :(得分:3)
正如AuxTaco指出的那样,如果你的意思是&#34;字母数字&#34;如同匹配&#34; / ^ [A-Za-z0-9] {0,15} /&#34; (给出26 + 26 + 10 = 62的位数),那真的是不可能的。你不能在一加仑桶中装入3加仑的水而不会丢失一些东西。 UUID是128位,因此要将其转换为62的字符空间,您至少需要22个字符(log[base 62](2^128)
== ~22)。
UUID v4长度为32个字符(不带短划线)。它是十六进制的,所以它的字符空间是16个字符(0123456789ABCDEF
== 16 ^ 32`)。假设你有一个永远不会造成碰撞的算法。
确保永远不会发生冲突的一种方法是将其从base-16编号转换为base-256编号。这将给你一对一的关系,确保没有碰撞并使其完全可逆。通常,在JavaScript中切换基础很容易:parseInt(someStr, radix).toString(otherRadix)
(例如parseInt('00FF', 16).toString(20)
而不是那样,因为我们已经有十六进制,我们可以将它分成几对小数,转换它们,然后将它们吐出来。 32个十六进制数字= 16对,因此&#39; ll(巧合)是完美的。 (如果你必须以任意大小解决这个问题,你必须做一些额外的数学运算并转换为将数字分成几部分,转换,然后重新组装。)
const uuid = '1234567890ABCDEF1234567890ABCDEF';
const letters = uuid.match(/.{2}/g).map(pair => String.fromCharCode(parseInt(pair, 16)));
const str = letters.join('');
请注意,其中有一些随机字符,因为并非每个字符代码都映射到&#34; normal&#34;符号。如果您要发送的内容无法处理它们,则您需要使用数组方法:找到它可以处理的256个字符,创建它们的数组,而不是String.fromCharCode(num)
const uuid = '1234567890ABCDEF1234567890ABCDEF';
const compress = uuid =>
uuid.match(/.{2}/g).map(pair => String.fromCharCode(parseInt(pair, 16))).join('');
const expand = str =>
str.split('').map(letter => ('0' + letter.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).substr(-2)).join('');
const str = compress(uuid);
const original = expand(str);
console.log(str, original, original.toUpperCase() === uuid.toUpperCase());
const smallStr = '1234';
const str = '1234567890ABCDEF1234567890ABCDEF';
const hexCharset = '0123456789ABCDEF'; // could also be an array
const compressedLength = 16;
const maxDigits = 16; // this may be a bit browser specific. You can make it smaller to be safer.
const logBaseN = (num, n) => Math.log(num) / Math.log(n);
const nthRoot = (num, n) => Math.pow(num, 1/n);
const digitsInNumber = num => Math.log(num) * Math.LOG10E + 1 | 0;
const partitionString = (str, numPartitions) => {
const partsSize = Math.ceil(str.length / numPartitions);
let partitions = [];
for (let i = 0; i < numPartitions; i++) {
partitions.push(str.substr(i * partsSize, partsSize));
return partitions;
console.log('logBaseN test:', logBaseN(256, 16) === 2);
console.log('nthRoot test:', nthRoot(256, 2) === 16);
console.log('partitionString test:', partitionString('ABCDEFG', 3));
// charset.length should equal radix
const toDecimalFromCharset = (str, charset) =>
.map((char, index) => charset.indexOf(char) * Math.pow(charset.length, index))
.reduce((sum, num) => (sum + num), 0);
const fromDecimalToCharset = (dec, charset) => {
const radix = charset.length;
let str = '';
for (let i = Math.ceil(logBaseN(dec + 1, radix)) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const part = Math.floor(dec / Math.pow(radix, i));
dec -= part * Math.pow(radix, i);
str += charset[part];
return str;
console.log('toDecimalFromCharset test 1:', toDecimalFromCharset('01000101', '01') === 69);
console.log('toDecimalFromCharset test 2:', toDecimalFromCharset('FF', hexCharset) === 255);
console.log('fromDecimalToCharset test:', fromDecimalToCharset(255, hexCharset) === 'FF');
const arbitraryCharset = length => new Array(length).fill(1).map((a, i) => String.fromCharCode(i));
// the Math.pow() bit is the possible number of values in the original
const simpleDetermineRadix = (strLength, originalCharsetSize, compressedLength) => nthRoot(Math.pow(originalCharsetSize, strLength), compressedLength);
// the simple ones only work for values that in decimal are so big before lack of precision messes things up
// compressedCharset.length must be >= compressedLength
const simpleCompress = (str, originalCharset, compressedCharset, compressedLength) =>
fromDecimalToCharset(toDecimalFromCharset(str, originalCharset), compressedCharset);
const simpleExpand = (compressedStr, originalCharset, compressedCharset) =>
fromDecimalToCharset(toDecimalFromCharset(compressedStr, compressedCharset), originalCharset);
const simpleNeededRadix = simpleDetermineRadix(str.length, hexCharset.length, compressedLength);
const simpleCompressedCharset = arbitraryCharset(simpleNeededRadix);
const simpleCompressed = simpleCompress(str, hexCharset, simpleCompressedCharset, compressedLength);
const simpleExpanded = simpleExpand(simpleCompressed, hexCharset, simpleCompressedCharset);
// Notice, it gets a little confused because of a lack of precision in the really big number.
console.log('Original string:', str, toDecimalFromCharset(str, hexCharset));
console.log('Simple Compressed:', simpleCompressed, toDecimalFromCharset(simpleCompressed, simpleCompressedCharset));
console.log('Simple Expanded:', simpleExpanded, toDecimalFromCharset(simpleExpanded, hexCharset));
console.log('Simple test:', simpleExpanded === str);
// Notice it works fine for smaller strings and/or charsets
const smallCompressed = simpleCompress(smallStr, hexCharset, simpleCompressedCharset, compressedLength);
const smallExpanded = simpleExpand(smallCompressed, hexCharset, simpleCompressedCharset);
console.log('Small string:', smallStr, toDecimalFromCharset(smallStr, hexCharset));
console.log('Small simple compressed:', smallCompressed, toDecimalFromCharset(smallCompressed, simpleCompressedCharset));
console.log('Small expaned:', smallExpanded, toDecimalFromCharset(smallExpanded, hexCharset));
console.log('Small test:', smallExpanded === smallStr);
// these will break the decimal up into smaller numbers with a max length of maxDigits
// it's a bit browser specific where the lack of precision is, so a smaller maxDigits
// may make it safer
// note: charset may need to be a little bit bigger than what determineRadix decides, since we're
// breaking the string up
// also note: we're breaking the string into parts based on the number of digits in it as a decimal
// this will actually make each individual parts decimal length smaller, because of how numbers work,
// but that's okay. If you have a charset just barely big enough because of other constraints, you'll
// need to make this even more complicated to make sure it's perfect.
const partitionStringForCompress = (str, originalCharset) => {
const numDigits = digitsInNumber(toDecimalFromCharset(str, originalCharset));
const numParts = Math.ceil(numDigits / maxDigits);
return partitionString(str, numParts);
const partitionedPartSize = (str, originalCharset) => {
const parts = partitionStringForCompress(str, originalCharset);
return Math.floor((compressedLength - parts.length - 1) / parts.length) + 1;
const determineRadix = (str, originalCharset, compressedLength) => {
const parts = partitionStringForCompress(str, originalCharset);
return Math.ceil(nthRoot(Math.pow(originalCharset.length, parts[0].length), partitionedPartSize(str, originalCharset)));
const compress = (str, originalCharset, compressedCharset, compressedLength) => {
const parts = partitionStringForCompress(str, originalCharset);
const partSize = partitionedPartSize(str, originalCharset);
return parts.map(part => simpleCompress(part, originalCharset, compressedCharset, partSize)).join(compressedCharset[compressedCharset.length-1]);
const expand = (compressedStr, originalCharset, compressedCharset) =>
.map(part => simpleExpand(part, originalCharset, compressedCharset))
const neededRadix = determineRadix(str, hexCharset, compressedLength);
const compressedCharset = arbitraryCharset(neededRadix);
const compressed = compress(str, hexCharset, compressedCharset, compressedLength);
const expanded = expand(compressed, hexCharset, compressedCharset);
console.log('String:', str, toDecimalFromCharset(str, hexCharset));
console.log('Neded radix size:', neededRadix); // bigger than normal because of how we're breaking it up... this could be improved if needed
console.log('Compressed:', compressed);
console.log('Expanded:', expanded);
console.log('Final test:', expanded === str);
const hexCharset = '0123456789ABCDEF';
const compressedCharset = arbitraryCharset(determineRadix(uuid, hexCharset));
// UUID to 15 characters
const compressed = compress(uuid, hexCharset, compressedCharset, 15);
// 15 characters to UUID
const expanded = expanded(compressed, hexCharset, compressedCharset);