<?php $logototal = count( get_sub_field('bp_client_logos') ); //Get a total count of the logos ?>
$count = "0";
if( have_rows('bp_client_logos') ) :
$i = 1;
while ( have_rows('bp_client_logos') ) : the_row(); ?>
$clientindex = $i;
if( $clientindex == "1" || ($clientindex-1) %16 == "0" ) :
<div class="section general-section section-<?php echo $title; ?> section-count-<?php echo $count; ?>" data-anchor="section-<?php echo $count; ?>" style="<?php echo $bg_background; ?>">
<div class="row small-up-4 medium-up-8 large-up-8 align-middle">
<?php endif; ?>
<div class="column client-logo-grid">
$image = get_sub_field('bp_client_logo');
// Vars
$url = $image['url'];
$thistitle = $image['title'];
$alt = $image['alt'];
$caption = $image['caption'];
$size = 'ClientLogo' ;
$thumb = $image['sizes'][ $size ];
<?php if ( get_sub_field('bp_client_link') ) : ?>
<a target="_blank" href="<?php the_sub_field('bp_client_link'); ?>">
<img src="<?php echo $thumb; ?>" alt="<?php echo $alt; ?>" />
<?php else: ?>
<img src="<?php echo $thumb; ?>" alt="<?php echo $alt; ?>" />
<?php endif; ?>
</div><!-- .column -->
<?php if( ($clientindex) %16 == "0") : $count = $count+1; ?>
<?php if($logototal > ($count*16)) : ?>
<div class="show-for-medium more-down-icon">
<a href="#section-<?php echo $count; ?>"><span class="more-text">More</span> <span class="more-arrow"><img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/assets/images/arrow-down.png" alt="arrow-down-icon" /></span></a>
<?php endif; ?>
</div><!-- .row -->
</div><!-- .section -->
<?php endif; ?>
<?php $i++; ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php endif; ?>