required width measurement from contour, green lines indicate width
// image is read, thresholded and canny edges are detected. That image is input to a function that computes contours from the image.
///Below is the code in the contour function
cv::Mat src_contour= inputImage.clone(); // input image is cloned for contour detection
cv::Mat maskContour = cv::Mat::zeros(src_contour.size(), CV_8UC3);
std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point> > contours; // stores contours points. Each contour is stored in a vector and there are number of vectors for number of contours
cv::RNG rng(12345); // random number used for random colours of contours
cv::findContours( src_contour, contours, hierarchy, CV_RETR_EXTERNAL, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE, cv::Point(0, 0) );
int nc=contours.size();// nc: total number of countours detected
std::vector<int>areas(nc); // stores area of each contour in a vector
std::vector<double>arclens(nc); // stores arc length (perimeter) of each contour in a vector
std::vector<double>aspect_ratio(nc); // Apect ratio of the contour , width/height
std::vector<cv::Rect> r(nc) ; // Vector of rectangles,
int min_area=15000 ; // Minimum area for contour selection
int min_arclen=1000; // Minimum Arc length used for filtering contours
double min_aspRatio= 2; // Minimum Aspect ratio used for filtering , deafutl 2.0
double max_aspRatio=4; // Maximum aspect rario used for filtering , default 4.0
for (int i=0; i< nc; i++) // Loop iterates through contours , calculates properties and draws selected contours
areas[i]=cv::contourArea(contours[i],false); // Area of each contour is stored in a vector, false: any contour, true: closed contour
arclens[i]=cv::arcLength(contours[i],false); // Arclength of each contour is stored in a vector
r[i]=cv::boundingRect(contours[i]); // Stores bounding rect for each contour in a vector r
aspect_ratio[i]=float(r[i].width)/r[i].height; // Aspect ratio of each contour is stored in a vector
if ((areas[i] > min_area) && (arclens[i] > min_arclen) && (aspect_ratio[i] > min_aspRatio && aspect_ratio[i] < max_aspRatio))
cv::drawContours(maskContour, contours, i, cv::Scalar(255,255,255), CV_FILLED); // creates mask from contours (filterd by criteria), fills them
// maskContour image is the image of selected contours filled , I have access to all the points on the contour. From the selected contours
// need to compute width of contours
// Now contour width measurement is required