
时间:2017-12-19 19:39:06

标签: asynchronous assembly masm input-buffer


我的秒表守则:我想在做call clrscr

milisec dword 0
sec dword 0
min dword 0
milidiv dword 100
secdiv  dword 60
colon   byte  " : " , 0
main proc

PR :
call clrscr

mov eax, min
call WriteDec

mov edx, offset colon
call WriteString

mov eax , sec
call WriteDec

mov edx, offset colon
call WriteString

mov eax , milisec
call WriteDec

;mili= mili+1
mov eax, milisec
add eax,1
mov milisec , eax

mov edx , 0     ;storing value 0 to remove the garbadge value
div milidiv     ;divide eax by 100 and getting the quotionet from edx
mov ebx , sec   ;move the value of second in ebx
add eax, ebx    ;now adding the previous value of second and the next quotiont value
mov edx , 0     ;storing value 0 to remove the garbadge value
div secdiv      ;dividing the ebx by 60
mov sec, edx    ;moving the quotiont from edx to second

mov eax, milisec    ;moving milisec to eax
mov edx , 0         
div milidiv         ;dividde by mili
mov milisec, edx

mov eax,sec
mov edx , 0
div secdiv
add eax, min
mov min, eax

mov eax , 100
call Delay
jmp PR

main endp
end main

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