详细解释: 我正在寻找一个代码,在第3行找到今天的日期。当找到该日期时,找到W列中包含" F"的所有单元格。然后我想要那一行中的人的名字。
希望得到一些帮助! -J
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如果您的第3行的日期类似于DD / MM / YYYY,但您将格式更改为自定义且仅包含DD,则以下内容将起作用:
Sub foo()
Dim LastRow As Long
Dim LastCol As Long
Dim NextEmptyRow As Long
Dim SearchDate As String
LastRow = Sheet1.Cells(Sheet1.Rows.Count, "D").End(xlUp).Row
'SearchDate = Format(Now(), "dd/mm/yyyy")
'change the line below with the one above to search for today's date
SearchDate = "13/04/2017" 'find "today's" date
LastCol = Sheet1.Cells(3, Sheet1.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column 'get the last Column
Sheet2.Cells(1, 1).Value = "Output"
For i = 1 To LastCol 'loop through all columns
ValueToFind = Format(Sheet1.Cells(3, i).Value, "dd/mm/yyyy") 'format the values on row 3 to full date as dd/mm/yyy
If ValueToFind = SearchDate Then 'if date on Row 3 matches SearchDate then
For x = 4 To LastRow 'loop through rows
If Sheet1.Cells(x, i).Value = "F" Then 'if F exists on that column
NextEmptyRow = Sheet2.Cells(Sheet2.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row + 1 'check the next free row on Sheet 2 column A
Sheet2.Cells(NextEmptyRow, 1).Value = Sheet1.Cells(x, 4).Value 'copy the name to Sheet2 on the next available Row
End If
Next x
End If
Next i
End Sub