似乎有多个Phusion Passenger实例正在运行

时间:2017-12-19 06:56:33

标签: node.js apache passenger centos6



我如何知道每个实例的用途以及哪个用于我的应用? 这是命令的输出:

passenger-config restart-app

似乎有多个Phusion Passenger实例正在运行。   请通过以下方式选择一个特定的:


- 实例


以下Phusion Passenger实例正在运行:


名称PID描述   -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ xeqhHKNg 2147 nginx / 1.12.2   Phusion_Passenger / 5.1.12 lHcUe3dD 5866
  nginx / 1.12.2 Phusion_Passenger / 5.1.12



  // Tell Passenger that this is a Node.js app.
  // Replace "app.js" with your app's entry point file.
  "app_type": "node",
 "startup_file": "bot.js",
  // Run the app in a production environment. The default value is "development".
  "environment": "production",
  // Run Passenger on the given port. In this example, we use port 80,
  // the standard HTTP port.
  "port": 3001,
  // Tell Passenger to daemonize into the background.
  "daemonize": true,
  // Tell Passenger to run the app as the given user. Only has effect
  // if Passenger was started with root privileges.
  "user": "kaku"


webserver.listen(process.env.PORT || 3001,null,function(){

debug('Express webserver configured and listening at http://localhost:' + process.env.PORT || 3001);});

我的http on centos 6 apache配置:

#Redirecting all the non secured request to be secured 
     Redirect permanent / https://www.example.net/

我的https(ssl)on centos 6 apache配置:

  # Tells Apache to forward all requests for www.foo.com
    # to the Passenger Standalone instance listening on port 3001.
    ProxyPass /
    ProxyPassReverse /
    ProxyPreserveHost on

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