尝试使用newtonsoft json转换器将以下JSON转换为c#对象。尝试将属性“b”/“a”解析为类属性时出现问题。它是一个包含2个字符串和一个空数组的数组数组。空数组将被忽略。
"e": "depthUpdate", // event type
"E": 1499404630606, // event time
"s": "ETHBTC", // symbol
"u": 7913455, // updateId
"b": [ // bid depth delta
"0.10376590", // price
"59.15767010", // quantity
[] // can be ignored
"a": [ // ask depth delta
"0.10376586", // price
"0.00000000", //quantitiy
class DepthInformation
public string eventType { get; set; }
public string eventTime { get; set; }
public string symbol { get; set; }
public int updateId { get; set; }
//public IList<string> bids { get; set; }
class DepthInformation
public string eventType { get; set; }
public string eventTime { get; set; }
public string symbol { get; set; }
public int updateId { get; set; }
public IList<Bid> bids { get; set; }
public class Bid
// No identifiers here so not sure how to map json to these
decimal price { get; set; }
decimal quantity { get; set; }