选择选项时,dataList会自动填充其他字段 - AngularJs

时间:2017-12-18 20:04:10

标签: javascript angularjs autocomplete option datalist

我有一个名称的数据列表,我想在选择名称时自动填写电话号码和位置字段,现在,字段从范围获取其值角度控制器,点击< td> 列,这是我的代码:


<div ng-controller="facture_retour"">
                    <input type="text" id="client_List" list="clientList" />
                    <datalist id="clientList">
                    <option ng-repeat="fc in facture_client_retour" data-tele="{{fc.phone_number}}" data-location="{{fc.location}}" data-id="{{fc.id}}" value="{{fc.fname}} {{fc.lname}} |{{fc.code}}" id="optIdFc">
                <td ng-click="getClientAttr();"><strong>Telephone</strong></td>

我没有错误,点击&lt; td&gt;调用函数getClientAttr(),但我需要在选择选项时自动调用此函数。 JS SOURCE:

app.controller('facture_retour',function($scope, $http){
        angular.element(document).ready(function () {

 /*This function is responsible of getting all clients Name and display them 
 in the data-list */
            var url = '../php/mainPageFacture.php';
            var data = {"function":"getAllClients"};
            var options={
                type : "get",
                url : url,
                data: data,
                dataType: 'json',
                async : false,
                cache : false,
                success : function(response,status) {
                    $scope.facture_client_retour = response;
                    // alert("Error: " + error + ". Please contact developer");
                      title: "Please contact your software developer",
                      text: "ERROR: " + error,
                      type: "warning",
                      showCancelButton: false,
                      confirmButtonClass: "btn-info",
                      confirmButtonText: "Ok",
                      closeOnConfirm: true

 /*this function getting the other fields (phone number,location) values and 
 display them by clicking on < td >*/
            //alert("here we go");
            var val = $('#client_List').val()
            var client_phone_number= $('#clientList option').filter(function() {
                return this.value == val;

                var val = $('#client_List').val()
                var client_location= $('#clientList option').filter(function() {
                    return this.value == val;


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


<input type="text" ng-model="Data" id="client_List" list="clientList" />


<datalist id="clientList">
    <option ng-repeat="fc in facture_client_retour" data-tele="{{fc.phone_number}}" data-location="{{fc.location}}" data-id="{{fc.id}}" value="{{fc.fname}} {{fc.lname}} |{{fc.code}}" id="optIdFc" ng-click="Data = fc">


  $scope.$watchCollection('Data', function(newValue, oldValue) {
    if(newValue != undefined)
      angular.forEach($scope.data, function(value, key) {
        if(value.name == newValue){
            $scope.clientPhoneNumber = value.phone_number;
            $scope.clientLocation = value.location;