OSX semop不会对进程进行排队

时间:2017-12-17 22:10:00

标签: c++ macos semaphore

我最近在C ++中开发了一个用于学习互斥的测试项目。


void Semaphore::semaphore_await(int sem_cluster_id, unsigned short which) //semaphore_p
    int zmien_sem;
    sembuf bufor_sem;
    bufor_sem.sem_num = which;
    bufor_sem.sem_op = -1;
    bufor_sem.sem_flg = SEM_UNDO;
    zmien_sem = semop(sem_cluster_id, &bufor_sem, 1);
    if (zmien_sem == -1) {
        printf("Nie moglem zamknac semafora.\n");
    } else {
//        printf("Semafor S%d zostal zamkniety.\n", which);

void Semaphore::semaphore_unlock(int semid, unsigned short which) //semaphore_v
    int zmien_sem;
    sembuf bufor_sem;
    bufor_sem.sem_num = which;
    bufor_sem.sem_op = 1;
    bufor_sem.sem_flg = SEM_UNDO;
    zmien_sem = semop(semid, &bufor_sem, 1);
    if (zmien_sem == -1) {
        printf("Nie moglem otworzyc semafora.\n");
    } else {
//        printf("Semafor S%d zostal otwarty.\n", which);


void critical_section(int semid, unsigned short semaphor_number){
    Semaphore::semaphore_await(semid, semaphor_number);
    std::cout<<"I am process:"<<getpid()<<" and I am in critical section!"<<std::endl;
//    sleep(1);
    Semaphore::semaphore_unlock(semid, semaphor_number);


I am process:32339 and I am in critical section!
I am process:32346 and I am in critical section!
I am process:32346 and I am in critical section!
I am process:32346 and I am in critical section!
I am process:32346 and I am in critical section!
I am process:32346 and I am in critical section!
I am process:32346 and I am in critical section!
I am process:32346 and I am in critical section!
I am process:32346 and I am in critical section!
I am process:32346 and I am in critical section!
I am process:32346 and I am in critical section!
I am process:32341 and I am in critical section!
I am process:32341 and I am in critical section!


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