使用TypeScript,我可以输入咖喱版本的getProperty <t,k =“”extends =“”keyof =“”t =“”>

时间:2017-12-16 16:47:41

标签: typescript generics currying


function getProperty<T, K extends keyof T>(o: T, name: K): T[K] {
    return o[name]; // o[name] is of type T[K]


function curriedGetProperty<T, K extends keyof T>(name: K): (o: T) => T[K] {
    return (o: T) => o[name]; // o[name] is of type T[K]

const record = { id: 4, label: 'hello' }

const getId = curriedGetProperty('id') // Argument of type '"id"' is not assignable to parameter of type 'never'.

const id = getId(record)

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

const getProperty = <P extends string>(prop: P) => <O extends any>(obj: O) => obj[prop]

const record = { id: 4, label: 'hello' }

const getId = getProperty('id')

const id = getId(record)

这似乎有效。 id的类型被正确推断为数字。如果传入any的对象上没有getId属性,那么您只会收到id,所以它并不严格,但是一个整体优雅的解决方案。


// implementation
const get = <K extends string>(key: K) => <V>(obj: Record<K, V>) => obj[key]

// usage
const person = {
  name: "kingdaro",
  age: 21,

const fruit = {
  type: "apple",
  color: "red",

const nameGetter = get("name")

nameGetter(person) // return type inferred as string
nameGetter(fruit) // fails, fruit has no key "name"

// minor caveat: when passing an object literal, the extra key will raise an error
// you can declare the object separately to sidestep around this
// but this wouldn't come up often anyway
nameGetter({ name: "kingdaro", age: 21 })

答案 1 :(得分:1)


interface recordType {
   id: number,
   label: string

const record = { id: 4, label: 'hello' };

const getPropertyBuilder = function <T>() {
   return <K extends keyof T>(key: K) => (o: T) => o[key];

const propertyBuilder = getPropertyBuilder<recordType>();
const getId = propertyBuilder('id'); // getId is (o: recordType) => number
const id = getId(record); // id is number

// or in one go
const label = getPropertyBuilder<recordType>()('label')(record); // label is string


const propertyBuilder = getPropertyBuilder<Partial<typeof record>>();
const getId = propertyBuilder('id');
const id = getId(record); // id is number
const id2 = getId({ id: 3 }); // also number

答案 2 :(得分:1)

type WithProp<T extends any, K extends string> = { [P in K]: T[P] }

function curriedGetProperty <P extends string>(prop: P) {
  return <T, O extends WithProp<T, typeof prop>>(o: O) => {
    return o[prop]


const getId = curriedGetProperty('id')
getId({id: 'foo'}) // returns string
getId({label: 'hello'}) // fails

答案 3 :(得分:0)

使用TypeScript 3.0.3能够做到这一点:

function composeGetter<K extends string>(prop: K) {
    function getter<T extends { [P in K]?: any }>(object: T): T[typeof prop]
    function getter<T extends { [P in K]: any }>(object: T) {
        return object[prop]

    return getter